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-Bakugo's Pov-

     "WOULD YOU SHUT IT, OLD HAG!? IM GOING TO BED!" I shouted as I slammed my bedroom door. She was going on about respect and shit, how I shouldn't talk to her the way I do. Honestly I could care less.

     I could still hear her angrily ranting to herself about my "bitchy behavior". I flopped down onto my bed, exhausted with how much of other people's shit I had to deal with today, but I guess that doesn't really matter. Tomorrow is the entrance exams to get into UA, which I know I'll pass. I wasn't worried, but I still needed to get rest.

     I decided to finish up some small project I had due the following week, because I had nothing else to do and I wasn't tired yet. I sat on my bed writing, until my mind began to wander. Boredom overtook me and I pulled my window curtains to the side, allowing sight to the dark stary night sky. It was beautiful.

Something else caught my attention, though. Next door, I saw on of the rooms' lights were on, and I could see someone at their desk in said room. She looked my age, but I could be wrong meaning I hadn't yet seen her up close. She seemed to be on her laptop, watching something. Her neck was red, but it could just be from the lighting and how far I am from her. She was messing with a pair of scissors.

She caught my attention. I didn't know why, but something about that girl intrigued me. I wanted to know her. I kept observing her, the small actions she made with the scissors, how her eyes moved to look at different parts of the screen. Her eyes. They seemed dull. Lifeless.

She suddenly took her eyes off of the screen to her finger abruptly. I noticed something red. Had she accidentally cut herself? She took a moment to watch as the blood slowly trickled down her fingertip, oozing lightly from the cut. She took the scissors and raised its blade over her other finger. She cut her fingertip again, but purposefully. What the fuck is wrong with her?

     I watched as her face became less tense and almost happy looking? I'm so fucking confused right now. I watched as she smiles to herself, then got up and walked out of the room. Not a minute later she had band aids covering where the cuts were. She continued watching whatever was playing in her laptop. I hesitated for a moment, before going back to my project.

     It had been around an hour and I was getting ready to go to bed. As I was about to lay down, I heard a distant yell. I checked downstairs and my parents weren't so I looked out the window. In the girls room, was an older looking man. Maybe in his late thirties. He was yelling, loud enough for me to hear just how many times he was cussing. It was unbelievable, even for me. He then stomped off.

     I watched as the girl calmed down for what seemed to be a panic attack or something. I was somewhat concerned, feeling as if there was something going on. WAIT-No no no I am NOT going soft for this bitch and her stupid ass problems! I watched her as she shakily took the scissors from her desk. She pulled up her sleeve. Oh god. No don't.

-Emikos's Pov-

     He yelled at me. He screamed at me. It was awful. The things he shouted drunkly at me just made something in me snap. Tears welled in my eyes as I grabbed the scissors once more, knowing this was the only was to relieve the panic and anxiety from running through me. I rolled up my sleeve, but before I could do anything I saw a light. It was from one of the rooms of the house beside mine.

     As I slowly put the scissors back down onto my desk, I saw an ash blonde boy walk towards what I presumed to be his bed. He had poofy hair, almost in the shape of an explosion. His eyes were fierce yet I could see something other than anger in them. They were blood red. He opened his window and stuck his head out, motioning for me to do the same.

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