Chapter 13

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It's been about a week since we landed and it's Christmas Eve. We've been cleaning and making the house spotless all day. It's already clean but mom wants to make sure the family thinks we're always spotless.

"Okay, is everything clean?" Mom asks everyone.

"Yes, mom. Everything is clean and ready for tomorrow." I assure her.

"Good, your grandparents will be coming in the morning then, your dad's side couldn't make it this year so it'll just be us, the grandparents and Jamey."

"Jamey?" Emma questions.

"My aunt." I answer.

"We'll have to start cooking around noon to make sure everything's ready then, as usual, you'll be forced to play a song and everyone will go home." Mom runs over what's going to happen.

"Always happy to." I smile.

We spend the rest of the day decorating the tree until dinner. We all watch a movie after dinner and go to bed shortly after the movie's over.

When I wake up I can smell the eggs cooking and get up. I don't bother changing before I rush to the kitchen.

Grandpa Lee sits at the table with a plate of waffles and eggs while Grandma Carly makes more food.

"Morning kiddo." Grandpa smiles.

"Morning." I hug him and Grandma sets a plate on the table for me before hugging me.

"How's the music coming? Are you famous yet?" She asks.

"No." I chuckle a little. "I'm working on recording some songs back in Rimwater."

"Well, I can't wait to hear what you got this year." Grandpa says.

"Thanks." I smile as Mom and Dad sit across from me.

"So, Shawn and Emma are joining us this year?" Grandma asks as she puts eggs on a plate and waffles on the other.

"Yeah, I talked them into it." I smile.

"That's nice of you." Grandpa smiles.

"Well, they're always welcome to holidays with us." Grandma smiles as she sets the two plates on the table.

I hear someone yawn behind me and turn to see Emma rubbing her eyes as she comes into the kitchen.

"Tired?" I ask as she sits next to me.

"Shut up. I smelled food." She says with a smile.

"You're just like your dad." Grandma smiles. "He would come over for breakfast all the time when we lived in Rimwater."

"We love food." Emma shrugs and gets a plate full of the food. Just then Shawn and Dad come out and get some food before sitting down to eat.

"Jamey should be here any minute." Mom says.

"Is Jake and his family coming over this year?" I ask.

"No, they said they were going to visit Arthur's family this year. I think they said they're finally accepting of them." Mom smiles.

"Well, that's good. They should be able to spend time with family." Grandpa smiles and we all nod in agreement.

"When everyone's done eating and Jamey gets here we'll open presents and start making the food." Dad smiles.

We all eat and talk while we wait for Jamey to show up. When a knock comes from the door Dad quickly goes over to get it.

"Hey, Jamey." I can tell he's smiling as he says it.

The Hummingbird and the ExpelledOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora