Chapter 9

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I glanced back and saw smoke coming out of the cave. I wasnt sure, but i thought i saw a wisp of golden and black smoke. Oh god if anything had happened to Ty i would never forgive myself.

I urged my bird to fly faster and we were soon out of sight of the cave entrance.

~Enderlox's POV~

Well that girl is full of surprises.

Both girls.

I was angry at Ty for interrupting us when she dragged Layla back to the cave. She should be using her logic manipulation for better things.

I was even angrier at Layla for creating these nuisances, and even getting Ty to trust her. I dodged a fireball thrown by her robot. We arent even making a dent in her robot. It was as strong as obsidian, maybe even stronger. Layla was smart. A bit too smart.

"We should push it off the mountain," WitherMU yelled, pummeling the creature with his bombs but not succeeding.

Skybrine used his superstrength to push te robot. It moved a few inches, but then it stopped. I ran over and added my strength. WitherMU created craters behind the robot and blasted it forwards.

"Cant you just wither it or something?!" I yelled at WitherMU, who quickly shook off hus glove and touched the robot. It withered just a bit, but then it resumed its reddish glow.

"What the hell?" Skybrine put more effort into pushing and the robot stumbled more, but then it swept its huge arms and knocked me off.

I landed a few meters into the cave. The robot stopped charging and turned to face me.

"Its locked onto your Ender essence!" Skybrine yelled. I knew what to do.

Forcing myself to keep calm, i slowly forced myself to change into Deadlox. Ty was nowhere to be seen.

The robot stopped charging and deactivated itself, changing back into a small red cube. Skybrine scooped it up and placed it in his pocket.

"We've got a runaway girl to catch," Skybrine's eyes glowed.

~Ty's POV~

I had portaled away when the first fireball hit me. I think it was Skybrine's fireball. Anyway, some of my scales had been scorched off, but otherwise im fine.

After a lot of thought I portaled to where Layla was. I knew i had no chance of getting together with Enderlox again if i helped Layla. Anyway, i portaled to her and nearly lost my concentration. I caught a glimpse of a red tail before i had to portal again. I kept on portaling until i was keeping up the pace with Layla. She was on a giant metallic bird which was also made of iron and redstone.

"Nice... Ride..." I huffed. She was going so fast.

Layla glanced at me and tilted the bird to one side. I quickly followed her, and she picked up the pace.

"Why are you following me??" she yelled back.

"To... Make sure... You're alright...!" I puffed back, trying not to lose focus. Unfortunately, I lost concentration when we ran into a flock of geese, and i was falling through the sky.

I landed on something hard. I opened my eyes and saw Layla, and realized she had caught me with her giant flying bird. She looked back and smiled weakly at me.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"I know a place they avoid," I grinned. I climbed onto my knees and whispered directions into her ear. I havent seen these two guys since i was two... I hope they still remember me.

~Layla's POV~

I followed Ty's directions and we soon cleared the pine trees of the snowy biome and entered a jungle biome. The tree were so thick and dense that I couldnt see the bottom. Ty kept scanning the ground, searching for something.

Then I saw a faint wisp of smoke coming from a gap between the trees. Ty pointed to it. "There! Go there!"

I steered my ride to the gap and the bird automatically shrank to fit the size of the gap, nearly throwing the two of us off, but we landed in the small clearing in one piece.

There was a log cabin in front of us, and there was someone chopping wood beside us. He was all furry, and in a business suit, for some strange reason.

"JeromeASF?" I said, surprised. The bacca hybrid turned and jumped, nearly dropping the sharp blade of his axe on his own foot.

"Mitch!" he called. "Ty's here... with a friend!"

A boy with brown hair and hazel eyes in a red and black checkered hoodie came out of the cabin, and was that a dog tag around his neck? Oh holy cow this must be BajanCanadian, or Mitch.

But shouldnt he be a hybrid too, if every Youtuber i've met here was a hybrid?

Mitch waved at us. I turned to deactivate my bird and it shrank into a red cube. Mitch jogged over.

"Cool, can i see that?" he held out his hand. I glanced at Ty hesitantly, who nodded her head. I dropped the cube into Mitch's hand. Jerome came over to look.

Without any warning, Mitch's hand burst into flames. My eyes widened, but before i could do anything the flames died down again, and my red cube was still there.

Ohhhh i remember now. Mitch was a Blaze hybrid. BlazingCanadian, they call him. And he should be immortal too, seeing as WitherMU didnt die after i stabbed him. So all hybrids are immortal. Great.

"What kind of redstone is this?" Jerome took the cube and held it up to the sunlight. He gave it back to me.

"Uh," i pocketed my cube. "Its redstone iron. Forged it myself... When i was back at Enderlox's cave."

Mitch and Jerome nodded, then invited us into their cabin. They didnt seem surprised that Ty had no eyes... Or maybe they've met before.

"Tell us all about your adventures by the fire," Jerome said. "They wont come here. Also, Mitch makes a mean hot cocoa."

Ty gave me a thumbs up. I returned the gesture. Looks like i have three new friends.

How many words is this XD I'm not sure anymore

Anyway hope you are enjoying this! Two more hybrids! Should i add more? Is there a Ssundee hybrid?? I'm not too sure on that... XD

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