7-golden week (part 2)

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((y/n) pov)

I again woke up but this time from Sunako whom left the room. I took my phone and took a look at the time, 1am seriously why is she even awake? I stood up and left the room tiptoeing, so I don't wake the others.

I got out of the room and saw a shadow turn to the right, the shadow has a female form, so I guessed it must be Sunako. I followed the shadow outside of the building. She sat down on the grass looking at the stars and the moon.

She began to talk to no one specific. "I miss you, over time I've had a few nightmares about what happened. I can't express my feelings to you anymore and we'll never be together here. I developed a crush for someone from my team. But I think she will never love me like that, I wish you were still here" she said at the edge of crying. A single tear left her eye and then another one and they came out like nothing in the world could stop them.

I knew exactly about who she was talking, I have to calm her down and make sure she has enough sleep for tomorrow or yeah today. "I miss her too" I said while walking towards her and sitting down beside her. "(y/n) what are you doing here?" she said in slightest shock, still sobbing. "I woke up and saw you leave. I already had an idea you would have had a nightmare, it's not the first time. I just had to check up on you." I told her. "I don't know what to do, (y/n), with all these emotions and..." "Sunako, do you have a crush on Mai?" I asked to make sure I'm not wrong, but I doubt that. "yeah, but I can't get over her because of some weird reason I don't even know"

"you have to let her go, give Mai a chance. She'll understand why you have another person, she said you had to look for a new person who would make your heart go crazy, and now it's Mai that does that for you" "okay, I'll try but I think I can't forget her" "you have the right to remember her and the fun memories, it is what made you you, you can't forget about her and neither can I or the others. she is part of us, our memories, our childhood. you don't have to forget about her, you just have to let go of her." "thank you for being here for me" "always Sunako, we are friends for a reason. Let's go back to sleep"

We went back to the room and went to sleep.

In the morning at the cafeteria

"morning" everyone said. "morning" I responded back together with my crew, aka my friends. We all took place and started to eat. May friends and I took the corner of the table. "where were you too?" Katsu asked. "I went checking up on Sunako" I answered "is everything alright Sunako? You have to tell me, we are the crazy duo so I need to know if there is anything wrong with you otherwise I would feel bad for not helping you" Makaira said. "i- I had a nightmare... about her again but I have developed a new crush and all" "ow... who is the lucky person?" Azumi asked with a playful grin on her face. "Mai" Sunako whispered "huh! Really?... I knew it" Makaira said, happy she knew it and she maybe shipped them together from the start.

Shared practice

"okay everyone gather up" coach said aka my dad who looks like a zombie to be honest. Everyone gathered up around him. "today we are training our defense and you are jogging this route there is a hill that is steep you'll do that as warm-up. And after that you'll do your normal warm-ups and don't forget to stretch!" after a few complaints from my teammates and the boys we got ready for the run.

We started the run, it was actually really peaceful until we heard Hinata and Kageyama scream their longs out. They ran fast, it was like they were running from a monster that could kill them any moment. Okay maybe Daichi could be that monster. But this is what makes him a monster, they are getting him pissed. Kageyama stopped after Hinata took of and went the wrong way.

"where did Hinata go?" Makaira asked a little worried, who wouldn't it's a little energetic but innocent sunshine we're talking about. "he went the wrong way and I think he is lost" Kageyama said monotone. "I'll go look for him" Suga volunteered "I'll go with you" Makaira said. "sure, then let's go" I saw them taking of to look for the little sunshine. I had a glans of Azumi with a uncomfortable look on her face but it was also gone in a blink of an eye.

Strange, maybe she doesn't trust Suga with Makaira alone. I stopped thinking about it. We finished the route we had to take together with that monster of a hill. But we made it back safely.

We drank water and catch our breaths. We then saw Hinata, Makaira and Suga jogging towards us. "we've found Hinata!" Suga yelled from a distance. Glad he is safe the little sunshine.

After the warm-ups and the stretches we started with practicing our defense. That means blocking and receiving. "okay everyone, i'll be spiking balls towards you, you have to try to receive 5. Then the next one comes, okay?" "yes coach!"

"(y/n) you first, don't think I didn't see you getting to the back!" yep that's my dad for you. I wanted to go last but now I have to go first. "yes coach" I took place and positioned myself. I saw my dad aim at my left I did a split step and the ball was spiked I went for it and I could put my whole body behind the ball the ball was now going straight at me, I received it with no problem. My dad spiked the ball that I received and it was short I went to the ground received it again. I stood u as fast as I could and went for the ball at the back. Received it again but this time it was slightly off. The next one was on my right I received that one and the next one too with ease.

"good job Hyper, next" this went on for some time. Now we are blocking spikes and receiving the blocked balls or the balls that go trough the block. This went on and on. We took a lunch break and started again.

In the evening we took a bath and went to the cafeteria for dinner. Dinner was calmer than other times. Small talks here and there. After that we went to our room. I just went to give my dad a hug before also leaving. "goodnight dad" "goodnight hyper" we let go of the hug and I went to the room.

"(y/n) are you joining?" Azumi asked "with what?" I asked not knowing what we are going to do. "we are just going to ask questions and you have to answer you can't lie" Yui explained me. "ow sure why not" I took a seat on my futon. "okay most beautiful memory" said one of the second years. "sleepover at my house when my dad helped us with baking even though we had everything under control or so we thought" I said "yeah I think that one too" Sunako said. "yep same here" Katsu, Azumi and Makaira said in unison.

"you girls really share 1 braincell" Aihara said. "I think they share a whole brain beside some braincells" Mai said. "hey!!" we yelled at them in unison. Okay I get from where they are coming.

After some more questions we went to sleep.

Everyday was almost like that, except for Hinata who gets lost and what we were practicing. The days were long but flew by like nothing. Tomorrow we have the practice match with Nekoma. I can't wait to see good they are. Hopefully I can see the guys their practice match too.

"(y/n) are you already done, wait for me- us!" Sunako slightly yelled at me. "don't worry I'm not going anywhere without you girls on the moment" my friends finished cleaning up so we went to the cafeteria for dinner. "(y/n) I didn't know you could be less active" Noya said. "I can be tired too you know, otherwise I'm not human. And you are the same on the moment too you know" I said. Okay I'm tired after training so much and hard. my dad really knows how to get me tired. But what do you want, I'm his daughter he knows me for already 14 years.

After dinner we went to bed. Or yeah I went to bed, I was making myself comfortable till Yui began to talk about tomorrow. "do you girls think that Nekoma has a good team?" she asked. "of course they are strong but we are too. And if we lose, we can see where we have to work on" Katsu said. "true, now can you a hush because I want to sleep and be able to kick their asses with how hyped up I am going to be. But that can only happen when I had enough sleep. So hush hush." I said. "we all should do that, goodnight girls" Yui said. "goodnight!" we all said. I was asleep before I even knew it.

We'll see how good their players are, tomorrow it doesn't matter if we win because we can find out their weakness and use it in an official match. But also their strength so we can use it against them or how we can break them so they make mistakes. It sounds more cruel than it actually is okay.

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