6-Golden week (part 1)

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(Mai's pov)

"you know what, stay" my mom said. "wait really? But what about-" "Stay with grandma, I see how much you'll mis your friends and I can't take you with me like that. I'll be fine, I'll see you with Christmas" "I'll mis you mom!!!" I started to sob in the hug I pulled my mom in. "but what about the flight?" I asked because the money, it's expensive you know. "well, your teammates asked me for us to come earlier to say goodbye and I just saw I couldn't take you with me. So I cancelled your ticket and asked grandma if it's alright for her." "your amazing mom!" I hugged her tighter. "thank you" I mumbled before letting go.

"I should go now. I'll mis you sweetheart, but have fun with your friends and teammates. Help your grandma too you know, bye" "bye mom, say hi from me to the rest of the family. Love you" I said my last words to my mom as she walks out of sight.

"Mai!" Sunako yelled my name so happy, we got a few stairs from strangers. She runs to me and gives me a bearhug. I saw some small tears exiting her eyes. Soon enough the rest of my teammates and friends came and we had a groups hug.


(no one's pov)

The bell rang, school ended. For the girls and boys from the volleyball team it meant the start of Golden week. (y/n) ran out off class, Makaira and Sunako ran behind her as she passed their class. Ones they arrived at the gym, they saw they were the first ones. Waiting for Yui to come open the gym and the clubroom.

While waiting the girls see Hinata and Kageyama racing to the boys gym. "pffhahahaha, their faces hahahahaha" Makaira said laughing tears coming out off her eyes. Then "pfhahahaha, your right, hahahahaha" Sunako started to laugh to. (y/n) started to laugh with her friends whom are dying from laughing.

"why are you girls laughing?" Yui asked as she approached us. (y/n) took a deep breath and began "well, they were laughing with two guys who passed by and I laughed at their reaction and facial expression" "okay, well lets get ready because its going to be a long week."

After changing they started with warmups, they're running 2 laps around the two Gyms. Stretches are also important. After the stretches they started the drills, Yui took (y/n)'s advice and did the drill. On the backrow they moved left or right. The one in the middle said which side she would take so the ball is most likely not falling between two players because they both went for it.

It took a couple of times before they got a hang on it, but after some time it started to get better. They also trained their receive and serves. One person served and an other received then you switch position (sever becomes receiver, receiver becomes server). Everyone was drinking and wiping the sweat from their heads. They stretched afterwards and cleaned the gym.

"You girls ready to leave?" Maida- sensei asked the girls. "Yeah" the crazy duo, Mai and (y/n) yelled, while the rest just nodded with a smile on their face. "okay get on the bus then, we still have to wait for the boys but they'll be here any moment" all the girls get on the bus, Maida-sensei asked everyone if they were on the bus and checked it.

((y/n) pov)

We all were sitting on our seat waiting for the boys to arrive. I sat alone because I knew the guys a little bit and sacrificed myself to sit next to one of the boys because we are uneven. I saw the boys team come closer. They got on the bus and my dad came to sit next to me. "Hyper you look better then this morning" he said with a smirk. "Well you didn't change that much, your only less grumpy" I retorted "it's the age" "really I don't see your friends like that and I know they aren't the best persons in the morning either" "do you want extra work in the shop after this?" "no, I'll pass on that one." We went on like that till we arrived at the sleep place.

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