5-One more week

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After this week we have golden week. But first... "everyone 10 pushups!" captain is taking things really serious, I like that but common have some mercy with us, she is giving us penalties with the smallest mistake, not that I'm complaining but she let the whole team do the penalties(she does them to), I just think it's better to do it only with the persons involved. This week we are even training more then the boys like how?

After the pushups we get a break for 5 minutes, because there are some who needs to go to the toilet.

((y/n) pov)

I just came from practice, me and the girls are on our way to class. We have math, god please come help me or Jesus or whomever is listening to me. I get on my seat and wait till the teacher comes. Still praying in my head.

And to my unluck it never came, only the teacher with an evil expression on his face, that only tells me that he is planning something. And to my good luck I have, he gave us a test...

A fReAKiNG TeSt!!! I groaned and hoped for the best. I finished my test and there is still time for him to give class. I cursed in my head cause you know school, teachers, vice-principal wearing a toupee... you know what I mean.

After everyone was ready with their test, okay maybe I was the last one but okay. He still explained us match, I don't even know about what we are learning! God why is his voice so boring, it makes me sleepy. I can't fall asleep. I slapped myself in the face to keep myself awake.

Time skip to lunch

"Azumi, how can you not have the feeling of falling asleep in his classes." I whined "I don't know, maybe because you are weird kid that can't focus in most classes, you can only focus when it's 'interesting' enough for you" Azumi answered me. "just eat your lunch before they are steeling it" Katsu said with an annoyed tone, so I knew she was tired of me whining over class. "right, I'll stop and eat my lunch.

We are eating in a peaceful silence, until I hear them, no not my friends but Hinata and Kageyama having an little fight (please know what I mean). Me and my friends just sighed at them. Because it's not the first time this happened, this is like a routine. I start whining about class, Katsu getting annoyed, we starting to eat our food in silence, them disturbing our silence with little fights and repeat. So it is actually not new.

Time skip to practice

I changed in my sport clothes. As I get in the gym Yui was talking to the vice-captain about something, but they don't seem happy or positive like they would normally. I want to say something but nothing leaves my mouth, because I also know that it's rude to disturb them like that. And maybe it's really important.

"ow, hello everyone, you girls are here already?" Yui asked with a small smile that hides her sadness a little. "Yeah, we begin to realize that this is what you need to do to get to nationals, and we really want to get there, we're ready to work harder" one of the girls said. "euhm... why is Mai not here? She is always here before us" Makaira asked a little unsure.

"a-about that, Mai is moving to Italy because of family reasons, she is leaving Saturday." Aihara told us. We were all in shock. Sunako had the courage to ask "wait, r-really? B-but why didn't she told us s-sooner? Or by herself? It's not like we're going to harm her." It must hurt her a lot because she kind off looked up to Mai. I saw the tears slowly fall from her cheeks, Yui nodded "I know it's hard, but I know for a fact that it hurts her to leave us. She didn't want to go, but her parents decides this. We can't change this." She told us.

I took my courage and spoke "can we at least say goodbye too her?" I may not know her as well as our sempais or as Sunako, but I know she is part of the team and that she was... is a good sempai and teammate. "Yeah, it's the least we can give her, after all she was the one who still came the most last year beside you Yui. I also think we should give her something so she remembers us." Aihara said because she is really close with Mai.

After practice

We didn't practice like we would, no we planned our goodbye and what we should give her. And I didn't mind because this is actually teambuilding. So actually this is still volleyball related. We have a whole plan for our goodbye. I'm sure she is going to cry, I would.

Saturday, the day.

We're all at the airport long before Mai will arrive. We prepared everything, little gifts in colorful bags, a cake, polaroid cameras, a banner... why we are here this early is because we are giving her something that she will not forget us and that she knows we are here for her, that it doesn't matter how far apart we girls are.

After some time we saw her come in with her parents.

(Mai's pov)

6am in the morning

"mom, why do I need to get up this early? Our flight is at 7pm" I asked my mom not understanding why, because you just need to be there at least 2 hours before scheduled take off. "because sweetie, we have to make a stop somewhere." Mom replied. "really where?" I asked curious "nowhere special, you'll see when we get there." Seriously that's all I have to work with? Common I want to know. "ow and sweetie, I searched for a new school, I found one where they play volleyball, I think you would fit in perfectly." "maybe..."


I love that sport but I think it's part of because I have an awesome team or yeah had. God why didn't I told them myself. I'm just a coward, I didn't even said goodbye, and I don't have the time for it. What a bad sempai and teammate and friend am I? I just left without saying anything, not even to my closest friends. I feel horrible, it's to late, they probably already forgot that I even exist.

At the airport

"mom didn't you said we needed to make a stop? We are already at the airport you know? Are you okay?" I rambled as I looked worried at my mom. "ow no sweetie, the stop is in the airport, and yes I'm okay nothing to worry about." Wait but what is a stop in the airport? WAIT, She didn't booked a flight earlier did she?

"sweetie are you coming? People are waiting you know" What people? Do I know those people or are it the people my mom needed to make a stop for (at our destination)? "yeah coming"

As we walked it I saw something I didn't expect, I had no clue, tears are forming in my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. My teammates and some of my closest friends standing there with a banner in their hands. On it there stood 'we'll miss you, but we'll be here, we'll still be there for you, we just hope that you don't forget us' god I feel guilty for just leaving and don't saying goodbye.

Sunako was standing with a cake in her hands. She came to me as I walked a little closer to all those beautiful people. "we'll miss you, and we couldn't let you go without saying goodbye, don't need to feel guilty for not doing it yourself, we get that it must be hard to get news like that." Sunako said with a small smile.

I couldn't hold it in me anymore I'm sohappy and sad I just started to cry and let them also show them my smile. "Thankyou... I I don't know what to say, I'm sorry for not telling you personally andjust ignoring you, I just didn't know how to react and how to tell it without crying.I'm going to miss you all and thank you for being my friend and my teammatesyou all were like family" "we'll miss you too"

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