"It's me, I'm the best friend," i said and he glared.

"Not you Willis," he said and I screamed.

"What you talking about Willis??" I said and everyone was laughing now.

"Now back to yall not wanting to go Stanford" mosey said.

"If you guys go instead of coming home after my tours and shit because my parents barely ever here, i could just stay in a hotel in the area of your school."

"Yes, we can if i can though," Russian said agreeing.

"Y'all sure thats not a problem? Because p and I might need some moral support. Beside each other"

"Say no more," they said in unison.

I woke up forgetting where I was. Who house is this again?

I tried getting up but someone's hands were wrapped around me. When the realization hit me, I fell asleep over here.

"Why you moving," he said groggily.

"Big ass baby" i mumbled and he removed his hands from me.

I went to the bathroom and peed. I heard moans and I scrunched my face up.

From his bathroom, you can hear whoever is in the room next to us and P done got her freak on.

I came out of the bathroom and went to lay down next to mosey.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine Lathan"

"No, No, what the hell, you aren't fine, you wanna do something today?"

"Sure what?"

"Anything, I guess"

"Can you give me head?"

"Oh, word? Like for real?" he said getting up licking his lips.

"Nah just playing," I burst out laughing and he glared at me.

"I am fed up of you luna"

"Nah you love me but let's do something."

"Fine go get dressed and take ya bestie with you."

"They fucking though," i said and he done rolled his eyes.

I am weak, he was done disgusted.

"Thats yo friend too shut up," i said getting my things to go home.

I opened the door and revealed a messy Pocahontas.

"That was quick P"

"Shut up, we went 3 rounds. I needed that shit from him" she said and we burst out laughing.

"Cmon let's go home clean up and shit."

"We are going out with them today?" She asked and I nodded.

She shrugged and We left.


"mosey you really couldn't take your jeep or something, really with the rolls Royce?''

"you are my best friend/ my everything and you never rode in this so cmon'' he said and p and I got in.

"dont get mad I love you'' mosey added.

" fine''

we arrived at the mall, for what? i really dont know, but its fun to go out with the best Fran of all time.

we heard whispers of people point to mosey and about any minute we might have some fans may be running up to him.

"Guys, dont worry I'll make this quick"

Luna ArrowoodUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum