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It have been five

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It have been five. F-I-V-E days. And not a single message. Is it me or I'm being played?

I told him if he wasn't gonna commit then why ask me to be with you. We were better off as friends.

I went to have breakfast with myself since my parents work schedule had been crazy. They don't even see how this is affecting me, but again it doesn't.

I yawned walking down the stairs and I saw my both parents chopping it up and making breakfast.

"¿Que?" I said and they turned to me smiling.

"Hey Luna how are you sweet pea" my dad said and he hugged me.

"It's been, you know stressful, I go up to Stanford next week. P and I are gonna check out the dorms and see if it's liveable for us"

"Yall don't have to stay in a dorm sweetie"

"We could rent y'all an apartment"

"We kind of have a back up plan already, we've been looking into places and saw a place" I said not selling us out. My parents don't know we live a double life. Only my fun aunt knows. Even had to pay her to keep her mouth shut.

I even went to the bank and took her name off of Pocahontas and I secret bank accounts.

"Oh," they both said and looked at each other

I walked around them and grabbed me a plate.

"Luna we would like to apologize on how we haven't been present in your new journey. We are deeply sorry and hope you can forgive us. Per usual if you need money you can always call us. You tuition will be paid in full and everything. We, well I, as your mother, was suppose to accompany you on finding a place to stay off campus and everything and I'm sorry again for not doing that." She explained and I just shrugged it off.

I wanted to tell them that I didn't need their money but it'll look suspicious.

"It's fine, we gonna go check out the dorms today matter of fact, since we are not doing anything and we will decide what we are gonna do." I said she shared a look of disappointment because she's not gonna get to go.

"I have a case today lu, but have fun and call us" she said and I nodded my head. As usual.

"Are y'all gonna fly?" My dad asked fixing his suit.

"Nope we gonna drive, it's a cool drive and I don't mind it. Why waste money on a plane ticket sir"

"Okay okay darling be safe, here is five hundred for gas, food and snacks" he said as he grabbed his things and headed straight for the door.

As usually, mom kissed me and left right behind him.

Ay Mami,

My phone chimed and I saw mosey name flashed on the screen.

Luna ArrowoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora