Do we really want to go?

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"When do we start," Pocahontas asked

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"When do we start," Pocahontas asked.

"We go to campus the last week in August and classes start September," I said.

We were dressing to go to a club or something. Honestly, we dont have many friends for that but who are we not to have fun yunno?

"Sooooooooo," she dragged.

"Soooooo" i dragged.

"You think we will like it at Stanford?" She said I shrugged. I should've put my foot down.

You always say what you want to tell them after the fact that you could've told them at the moment.

I always do this then vent to Pocahontas about how i feel. I know i could talk to my parents about anything but a man. Not everything.

"You tell your mom that you lost your virginity yet?" Pocahontas brought up out of the blue.

"Why? Because she would flip"

"I told mines and she did indeed flip but she got calm after and asked me how it was and whatnot"

"I might get a different reaction," I said.

"You'll tell her when its right," she said hugging me.

I was already done with dressing it was just Pocahontas. My mom came in and she studied me.

Pocahontas went to my bathroom and closed the door giving us some privacy and also for her to continue dressing.


"I know that you lost your virginity"

"Umm, how?"

"The same night it happened I was passing with some milk and overheard the conversation with you and P"

"Oh, okay so you not mad?" I asked.

She sat next to me and hugged me. I embraced her back because I missed this side of her.

"Why would i be mad luna, you lost yours the same age i lost mines, now i was kind of mad that you didn't tell me first and that i have to eavesdrop. But I'm glad that you're growing up"

"Thanks, mom" i hugged her again and we stayed like that. Pocahontas came out looking cute as ever.

"Imma leave you two and here" she said leaving us.

Luna ArrowoodWhere stories live. Discover now