•Episode 20 - last episode•

86 3 1

Third Person

Kairi woke up and saw Alejandro standing there angry.

"Who the fuck is Max" He asked with a scary tone.

"He's my friend why" Kairi said confused but a bit scared.

"Cause you were on the phone with him yesterday and now Mattia doesn't come out of his room" Alejandro said making Kairi worried.

Kairi got up and just put on one of Mattia's hoodies. He knocked on the door and called out to Mattia many times but he didn't answer. Mattia finally came to the door after a few minutes but his eyes were red and puffy and he looked like he was crying and smoking. Kairi immediately hugged him but Mattia pushed him away. Kairi gave Mattia a concerned expression.

"If this is about Max then you're thinking of it all wrong" Kairi said to Mattia.

"He called your baby how could I read that besides you and him having a thing" Mattia said.

"Mattia he's a close friend. If you heard any of the conversation from last night with Amy then you would know that I... that I never stopped loving you" Kairi said looking down to the floor as he said that last part.

Mattia wanted to believe him but he couldn't. Kairi knew he had to do something so Mattia could believe him so he entered the room moved Mattia then locked the door and kissed him. It wasn't sloppy but it was nice and full of love and passion.

"I've always loved you bubba" Kairi says and Mattia smiles. "I missed having you around" Mattia says hugging Kairi while crying. Kairi pulled away and cleared away Mattia's tears. "Don't cry bubba" He said. Mattia kisses Kairi one more time.

"BITCHES OPEN UP" The two boys heard yelling so they opened the door and saw Alejandro and all their friends with a shit ton of food. "Whats all this" Kairi said confused. "Follow us" Alejandro said walking out. They all walked to the backyard where there was a tent.

They went inside the tent and saw a movie that was projected on the side of the tent. It was playing "clueless".

Kairi and Mattia cuddled throughout the whole movie.

"Says who" Kairi mimicked then laughed.

After the movie Kairi went inside and out on swimming trunks. He jumped into the pool and all his friends followed and changed then jumped into the pool.


Robert and Taylor finally got together.
Kairi and Mattia adopted James and Sky.
They all still lived together.
Ale and Alvaro adopted Kaleb.
Roshaun married a girl named Amerie Lance.
Pinto and Mateo married each other.
Roshaun and Amerie has a baby girl named Alice.

🥀Mattia polibio🥀

"I'll always love you bubba" - Kairi.

"We'll never forget you" - Alejandro

"Thanks for everything matilda" - Alvaro

"I'll miss you" - Roshaun

"We love you" Robert + Taylor

"Bye dad" - James + Sky

🥀Kairi Cosentino🥀

"Say hi to Matti for me" - Alvaro

"By pops" James + Sky


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