Episode 7 - The Courtroom

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Third Person POV

Mattia was cuffed and taken into custody. The rest of the week was weird. Mattia was going to court on Saturday and it was Tuesday when he was arrested. Kairi had been ignoring Alejandro and only hanging out with Robert.


Kairi woke up and got ready for school just like every other day. He got to school and saw Mattia so he ran up to hug him. "Hey Kai" he said with a soft smile on his face. "What did they say about the kidnapping" Kairi asked softly.

"They said that someone called them saying that I kidnapped you and was driving while drinking" Mattia responded then continued "They let me come to school today since I have to go to court tomorrow but I have an ankle bracket which tracks me".

Kairi asked "Okay but I have to go on the stand as an eye witness and basically 'victim' don't I" quickly looking down. "Only if you want to" Mattia reassured him. "If it helps you then i'll do it" Kairi responded.

Mattia picked him up and hugged him then said "Thank you bubba". Kairi flushed a light pink then had been put down by Mattia.


"Everybody rise" The judge said. "Today we are here to either find Mattia Polibio guilty or innocent of kidnapping Kairi Cosentino".

"Your Honor Alejandro Rosario and I would like to call the victim Kairi Cosentino to the stand" Alejandros Lawyer said. The judge nodded as Kairi got up and walked up to the stand.


"Kairi Cosentino you are ok path to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Is it true that you were with Mattia Polibio the night Alejandro found him taking you outside of his house" Alejandros lawyers said to me. I then said "Yes I was with Mattia but no he did it kidnap me".

The lawyer then said "So do you mind telling us what really happened that night". I nodded then said "I was at a party with Alejandro who was my boyfriend at the time. I then went to the bathroom and when I got out I walked into a room to lay down and I saw Alejandro screwing two girls."

Kairi sighed and then started talking again. "After that I walked down to ask Mattia to take me to Alejandros house to get my clothes since I was going to be staying with Ale for the week. After that Ale got home and I got out of the car to break things up between us."

Kairi started to tear up then continued and said "Then I got into Mattias car and we drove to his house. When we got there, two cop cars were parked outside and the next thing I know he was taken into custody".

The lawyer nodded then asked Kairi "Thank you for your time".


The judge then listens to the jury and says "I hear by find Mattia Polibio ......Innocent" leaving Kairi sigh in relief and making him jump into Mattias arms.

Mattia looked over at the other side of the courtroom and saw Alejandro glaring at him. Mattia looked away and started heading out with Kairi. As they got into Mattias moms car to head to his house Mattia caught himself staring at Kairis lips.

He shook his head and got inside the car. He sat next to Kairi and saw the smaller boy texting Alvaro and it read :

Alvaro 😍
Alvaro 😍 - Hey so can you and Mattia come over to play truth or dare in a bit ?

Kairi 😚- Yeah I'll find a way to get him over there

Alvaro 😍 - Okay love you papi #2


"Hey let's go to Alvaros house he wants to play truth or dare." Kairi said with a smile on his face. Mattia nodded and drove to Alvaros house. When they got there they noticed that Alejandro was sitting next to one of the girls Kairi found him with.

Kairi day down next to Alvaro in the circle and Mattia sat across him next to Roshaun. They boys were playing but Kairi and Mattia were glued to their phones. Kairi got a notification and clicked on it.


Mattia 🦖🤍 - Hey Bubba you wanna go or you still wanna stay here ?

Kairi⛄️❄️- I wanna stay for a bit more but then I wanna get food 😚

Mattia 🦖🤍- Okay then but I'm not leaving you alone for a second


Kairi heard his name being called so he looked up and saw everyone staring at him since he was flushing a bright pink. "Truth or dare" Alvaro asked him. Kairi took a second then said "Dare". Alvaro looked at Roshaun and said "Sit on Mattias lap".

Kairi shook his head no but Alvaro insisted. Kairi rolled his eyes and went over to Mattia and sat on his lap. Mattia wrapped his arms around Kairis waist and put his head on Kairis shoulder. Alvaro put snacks in the middle and when Kairi reaches over to grab them he brushed his ass over Mattias pp.

Mattia groaned softly and grabbed Kairis waist and brought him back down so he sat on Mattias lap. Mattia then whispered into Kairis ear "Don't love you're gonna make me hard". Kairi then smirked then started brushing his ass over Mattias dick when he felt a bump.

"Hey guys me and Mattia are gonna head out" Kairi said as he grabbed Mattias wrist walking out with him. As they got into Mattias car, Kairi kissed him. Mattia softly kissed back not wanting to let go. Kairi then pulled away from the kiss. "Let's go I already have clothes stashed at your house" Kairi said then winked.

Mattia smiled then put his right hand on Kairis inner thigh and the other one on the wheel making Kairi feel a shiver down his spine. When the boys got into Mattias room Kairi sat on the bed when Mattia was about to his him but Kairi stopped him. "What's wrong" Mattias asked Kairi.

"You're dating Jenna" Kairi mumbled. Mattia looked down knowing that Kairi was the one he wanted to be with. "Can I ask Alvaro, Ale, and Roshaun to come over" Kairi asked trying not to cry. "Why Ale" Mattia asked getting mad. "I want to talk to him. He's still my friend Mattia" The smaller boy said.


Kairi heard a knock on the door and he went to go open it. His eyes went straight to Alejandro and he asked "Hey Ale can we talk". Alejandro looked worried but he nodded and followed Kairi  into the kitchen. "Look Kai before you say anything I'm sorry" Ale said.

"It's okay Ale but I wanna stay friends if that's good with you" Kairi said. "Yeah I would like that" Ale responded. They both hugged and then walked down to Mattias room. Roshaun was dancing when Kairi asked Alvaro "Hey what's up with him". "He's high of weed bitch" Alvaro said laughing.

Kairi saw Mattia smoking and told the boys to leave cause he needed to take care of Mattia. The boys left with Ale driving them. A couple minutes have passed with Kairi just tapping his head with a wet towel when Mattia sat up and kissed Kairi.

⚠️Kind Of Sexual Content⚠️

Kairi backed away but Mattia made Kairi sit on his lap with his legs wrapped around Mattias waist. Mattia started to kiss Kairi and slowly started going down his neck. Kairi let out a small moan...


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