Episode 1 - "Im not gay"

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Third Person -

"Bro twitter swears I'm gay" Mattia says making the group look at him causing Pinto to say "Okay but aren't you though". Mattia looks at Pinto with a deadly glare as he gets up and starts to fight him (playfully) when Kairi sighs then gets up and gets in the middle of the fight. "Cuddle me" Kairi says with a pouty face to Mattia.

Mattia sighs getting off of Pinto and jumping on the bed with open arms waiting for Kairi to jump into them. "Is Seb gonna come over this weekend?" Alejandro asked Mattia who shrugged as Kairi played with his hair causing Mattia to fall asleep. "He definitely likes you Kai" Alvaro said to Kairi. "I'm not gay" Mattia said in a sleepy raspy voice. Kairi giggled making Mattia smile.

All the boys had left which only left Mattia and Kairi alone. As Alvaro left he accidentally slammed the door because he was arguing with Mateo and Robert causing Mattia to wake up but Kairi just kissed his forehead and said "Go back to sleep you big baby". Mattia smirked then replied with "How bout I fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week" causing Kairi to blush hard.

Mattia started to laugh and cry. "Y-You should've seen your f-face" he stuttered laughing. "My stomach h-hurts" he said still laughing. He wiped a tear away and looked towards Kairi who had his arms crossed with a sad and angry expression on his face. "What's wrong Bubs" Mattia asked Kairi and he pushed him on the bed and cuddled with him.

"Why you cuddling me like that you tryna take my virginity" Kairi responded trying to avoid the question the taller boy had asked before. Mattia grabbed Kairi's wrists and placed them a big higher of the smaller boys head on the bed and then said "Do you want me to". Kairi froze up and could feel himself getting hard so he quickly pushed Mattia over unexpectedly and rushed into the younger boys bathroom.


, Is what the smaller boy thought to himself. "What the hell Kai I was kidding, why are you hiding from me" Mattia said. It stayed silent for a couple of moments until Mattia pushed the door open and saw Kairi. Kairi was sitting next to the bathtub cuddled with himself and his head on his knees so Mattia wouldn't see his boner.

Kairi got up quickly and left Mattia's house running to his own. He stopped after a while of running and he wrapped his sweater around his waist so that nobody could see the lump in his pants.He walked into his house and hugged his mom then ran into his bathroom and started the shower.

The warm water against his skin felt as if he were showering in a tropical jungle which Kairi loved it imagine. The beautiful blue sky, the green grass , the clear water lakes. It was all just amazing for him to think about when suddenly the door opens and he sees a tall figure standing there. He goes up closer to see who the tall figure was and he says "Mattia" in a low voice then he yells "Mattia get the fuck out of here I'm fucking naked you ass" while covering his junk.

As Mattia finally realized 'I just walked in on my BOY bestfriend in the shower' he felt embarrassed that he didn't leave once he saw that Kairi was naked in the shower.

Kairi thought to himself 'You do not like your bestfriend' but he couldn't trust those words because deep down he knew he did have somewhat romantic feelings for Mattia. Kairi got out of the shower and asked Mattia to grab him a pair of pants and briefs he then noticed that Mattia wasn't in his room so he went to go get clothes himself. As

Mattia walked into the room Kairis towel fell down and he quickly reached down to get it when he fell backwards and hit his head then knocked out. He woke up with a wet towel on his forehead and with Mattia next to him cuddling a pillow. He looked down to see if he was still naked but he sighed in relief that he wasn't.

A couple moments later and Kairi asked himself 'Who changed me'. He then cuddled next to Mattia not caring about the situation of 'Who changed Kairi'. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him when Mattia woke up and pulled away from Kairi quickly then sat on the edge of the bed. Kairi then walked over to the taller boy sat on his lap. "Don't run away from me just because you saw me naked" the smaller boy said.

He pushed Mattia on the bed to lay back down and kissed his cheek. "I love you tia" Kairi said in a low voice. Mattia blushed but it suddenly stopped when he knew that Kairi didn't like him back. Or so he thought.


I looked down at Kairi. I didn't know what I was feeling but I felt my chest burn a bit where my heart was and that's when I realized. 'Oh fuck, I like this kid'. My father had always taught me that being gay was a sin and he always made sure to get my attention. He's abusive but only when I don't listen to him so he's not that bad.

Kairi knows about my dad so that's probably the reason why he lets me sleepover all the time.

Next day at school
Third Person

It was Monday neither Mattia or Kairi wanted to get up for school but when Kairis Alarms woke up Kairi got up and got ready. It was only 10 minutes until school started and they were already going to be late but Mattia was just laying down on Kairis bed scrolling though tiktoks.

"Mattia we have to go" Kairi said stressed about arriving to school late. "Chill Olaf why do we even have to go today" Mattia asked the smaller boy. Kairi rolled his eyes and said "I'm driving your car". Mattia suddenly got up and grabbed Kairi by the waist and sitting him on his lap. "Nobody sits in the drivers seat of my car baby boy" Mattia said.

Kairi stared into Mattia's eyes and asked him "Are you straight". Mattia suddenly froze up and said "I'm not sure" looking away from Kairi, afraid to make eye contact. "Look at me" Kairi said to Mattia who was on the urge of crying. Mattia doesn't cry often but when he does it means something. "Look Kai I-"



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