Episode 16 - Back Home

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Mattia saw Kairi and stood there in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He wasn't sad he was happy of course that Kairi was alive but he was mad that he lied and made him go through all the pain throughout the years.

Kairi looked towards the stairs where he saw GianLuca. The young boy came up to Kairi and hugged him "Oh god I missed you. I thought you were never gonna come back" he said while looking up at Kairi in disbelief that he actually came back.

"You knee Kairi wasn't dead" Mattia looked at his younger brother. GianLuca looked down and said "Well yeah". Mattia then started to get even more furious. "YOU LEFT ME IN PAIN ALL THESE YEARS AND YOU EVEN TOLD MY BROTHER BUT YOU COULDNT TELL ME" Mattia yelled at Kairi.

Kairi looked shocked that Mattia reacted like that. He started to tear up when he backed up from the door. "I'm sorry" he said to Mattia. He looked at Taylor, Vic, and GianLuca. "I should have never come back. I-I'm sorry" He said as he ran off.

In middle school him and GianLuca built a house in the woods. It took them forever but they did it. Kairi had always gone there if he needed to contemplate something. That's when he knew that GianLuca was one of his closest friends.

Kairi ran to the same house in the woods after heading Mattia hell at him.

—— With Mattia ——

"WHAT THE FUCK MATTIA" Taylor yelled at him. Mattia still had his eyebrows furrowed. "What you expect me to just forgive him for leaving us behind" Mattia said in anger.

Taylor scoffed. "You think you're so special. The only reason Kairi left was because he felt like he was a burden. A mistake to come in your life. He didn't want to mess anything up for you. He texted me everyday. Always talking about you. I told him about Lena and he didn't text me for two weeks" She said to him.

"He didn't want to leave you but he felt like he had to" She continued. They all looked at GianLuca who was rushing to put his shoes on. "Where are you going" Mattia asked his brother. GianLuca looked outside the windows. I think I know where he went. Taylor, Vic can you guys come with me. You to rebound" Gianluca said.

The three followed GianLuca into the woods. (Imma just day Luca now). They all saw a small house covered with trees. There was a small lake by it which is why Kairi loved to come here. Luca went inside the small house instructing the others to stay outside.

"I knew you would be here" He said. Kairi looked over to him. "I really missed you. You have no idea how much I've missed sneaking out with you and building this thing. Even when we went and almost got eaten by that giant dog" Kairi said letting tears roll down his cheeks while slightly laughing.

"Kairi is it fine if I invite Taylor or someone here" Luca asked him. Kairi shot his body towards "Noo. Look I know this is super cool that we built this thing but we built it together and no matter how much I care about them. This is for me and you to enjoy. We did this. Plus this is my go to spot when I feel like shit" He said with a small smile.

"Too bad I brought Robert, Taylor ,and Victoria." He said. Kairi saw them and rushed out of there. He made a secret mini house deep in the woods that not even Luca knew about cause he knew one day someone would find the big one. Kairi his in the mini house for about three hours before running to Mattia's house.

It was already dark out. He snuck in through the backyard and knocked on GianLuca's window. GianLuca immediately opened it and let him in. He locked the door so that nobody knew that Kairi was there. "I'm happy that you're glad that I came back but I think I should leave.

"No you barely got back" GianLuca said with tears forming in his eyes. "Your home is here Kairi please don't go" GianLuca said. They heard a knock on the door. Kairi his under GianLuca's bed and the younger boy went to go open the door. "I thought I heard Kairis name is he here" Mattia asked his brother.


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