Episode 8 - Mairi

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(third person)

Kairi let out a moan. Mattia switched spots with Kairi so that Mattia was sitting on Kairis lap. Mattia started to slowly grind on him. Kairi let out multiple moans when he flipped Mattia over and tried to leave but Mattia grabbed his wrist and made him sit on his lap.

Mattia said in a whisper "You know you're making me really hard". Kairi flinched then looked at Mattia and said "You want me to do something about it". Mattia grinned and pushed Kairi on the bed. Kairi looked at Mattia as he was leaning in to kiss Kairi.

Kairi slowly kissed back trying to open Mattias mouth when Mattia pulled away saying "You tryna be the top now Kai". Kairi smirked and said "Like you could do any better". Mattia looked at Kairi then started to kiss him roughly.

Kairi started to moan very loudly which made Mattias dick pop up. Mattia took off his boxers and then took off Kairis pants and boxers. Mattia made Kairi kneel down and start sucking his dick. Mattia leaned his head back when he heard the door creek open.

Kairi quickly rolled himself under the bed while Mattia covered himself. The door opened and Mattia looked over and saw Alvaro. He widened his eyes and said "Hey Al" in a slightly loud voice so Kairi could hear him.


I heard the door open so I rushed under the bed trying to put on my clothes when I heard Alvaros name. I quickly put on my clothes then got out under the bed. "Are we not playing hide n seek anymore" I said quickly. Mattia looked at me then said "I knew that you were down there but Alvaro came in here".

Alvaro looked at me and said "Bro you look tired as shit". I looked at him then said "Well it's fucking hot down there". Alvaro rolled his eyes then said "We'll Jennas outside and she wants to talk to you" which made me sadden up and but while Mattia just got up and put on pants and shoes.

"You're not gonna put on a shirt" Alvaro asked him. "No" Mattia said as he quickly hurried to Jenna. Alvaro walked over to me and said "Look I know you and Ale used to date but is it okay if me and him date, please don't be mad". I giggled then said "Al it's alright man you guys are good together anyways".

He hugged me very tight when I heard Jenna and Mattia walking into the room. I quickly grabbed Alvaros hand and rushed into the bathroom with him. I got my phone out and recorded the conversation they were having. "What's going on" Alvaro asked silently. I shrugged and told him to put his ear on the door.

IN MATTIAS ROOM (third person)

"Mattia look I don't wanna date you if I have to feel like a third wheel everytime Kairi comes to hang out with us" - Jenna
"He's my bestfriend do you want me to stop inviting him or what" -Mattia
"Yeah actually that would be good" - Jenna
"Are you kidding me. You know what you're asked me to do. YOU'RE ASKING ME TO CHOOSE BETWEEN MY BESTFRIEND AND MY GIRLFRIEND" - Mattia
"Yeah so which is it gonna be" - Jenna
"I choose Kairi. He's my best friend and I'm not gonna leave him for a girl who thinks I'm gay for my bestfriend"- Mattia
As Kairi heard those words he started to tear up and he cuddled into Alvaros arms and said "I like him Al I like him". Alvaro stayed silent for a second then wrapped his arms around Kairi and said "It's okay Kai i'm here for you".

Kairi then heard Mattia yell " GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE". Kairi flinched when he heard Mattia. "Al we were fucking. You came into the room so I ran under the bed but since he's high I don't know I guess I could just finally tell him how I feel but I regret it so much right now" Kairi said making Alvaro put a disgusted look on his face.

"EWWW" He yelled. They both saw the door open up and Mattia was looking at Kairi. "I gotta go" Kairi said walking past Mattia. Mattia tried to grab onto his wrist but missed. Kairi left and as he was walking home he saw a small puppy.

Kairi slowly went up to the pup and pet it. The dog seemed to be hungry so Kairi picked him up and went home with the dog. "Hey mom I found a pup in an alley is it fine if I feed it" Kairi asked his mother. She nodded with a slight smile on her face.

Kairi took out a piece of chicken from his plate and fed it to the dog. The small pup seemed to like the food that he wanted more so Kairi got two bowls and took them to his room. He filled one up with water and the other up with chicken.


I woke up and as I was about to get off my bed I noticed the small pup sleeping on my bed. I carefully got the pup and picked her up. It was Sunday so I quickly put on some shoes and Ale gave me a ride to petco. While I was there I saw that there was a vet so I asked if I could just walk in or if i needed an appointment.

"You can just walk in we don't have any appointments today" The lady behind the counter told me. I walked in and a guy came up to me saying "Hey is this your dog". I said "Yeah, well I found... uh is it a boy or a girl". The guy said "Uhm is a.. Girl" while he was checking to see the gender. I quickly continued saying-

"Well I found her in an Alley yesterday at night and so I took her home and fed her but I just wanna make sure that she's alright.". "She seems to be in good condition just that she's a bit skinny so you should feed her twice a day with a snack for lunch" He said to me. I nodded then said "Thanks,  well I should be getting her some food and a collar, is it okay if you watch her for me".

He smile and nodded. I headed out and got a red collar , a bed, some toys, trays,  and some food. I went back into the vet station and picked up the pup and paid for everything then got back in the car with Ale. "Thanks for uh driving me here." I quickly thanked him as he started up the car.

"It's no problem Kai" He said smiling. As they rode back home

TBC - Thank you guys for reading
this story and I'm working on two other stories that I'll start around June through August

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