Episode 14 - Moving Day

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Kairi woke up Vic and Taylor for school. The two girls said goodbye to Kairi and went to school. Kairi got his luggage and went to the airport with his mom and sister. They hopped on the plane and flew to California.

When Kairi got to his new house it was two stories. A peachy pink on the outside but a plain white on the inside. Kairi got snowball and took her into the backyard. The two played around when Kairi's mom came up to him.

"Sweetie we need to get you contacts and a wig or something so people don't reconize you" She said. Kairi nodded putting out food and water for the small pup. He left in an oversized hoodie to the mall. When he got there everyone started to recognize his mom.

They went up to her and said "I'm sorry for your loss". Kairi then got a light brown wig and blue contacts. When he got home he put it on and he looked a lot different. He was basically already on summer break and he was going to college after next month.

Kairi then set down blankets on his phone and set up a couple of thing in his room like his LED lights, 4 outfits and some shoes. He immediately texted took out his phone to text Victoria.

Kai - Hey Vic I landed how are you

Vic - I'm good but i'm with Ale and the boys so I'll text you later

Kai - Is Taylor there too ?

Vic - No she's at home you can text her

Kai - Okay thanks


Kairi tried calling and texting Taylor but she didn't pick up. Instead he got a call from Gianluca.

Regular - Gianluca
Slanted - Kairi

Hey buddy what's up

- Hey Kairi I just wanna make sure you're alright

Yeah I'm find thanks for checking up on me

- So do you know when you're gonna be back yet

I'm gonna be back maybe by Junior or Senior year of college

- Okay well I'll miss you and so will Mattia

"So will I what"  Kairi heard through the phone. He could tell it was Mattia so he quickly whispered into the phone "Change my contact name and say I'm one of your friends from Cali".  Gianluca quickly did wha Kairi said.

"I just said that you would be happy to talk to my new friend .... Jack" The young boy said. Mattia rolled his eyes and left. "Thanks for that Kairi" Gianluca said through the phone. The two spent maybe the next 30 minutes talking.

Gianluca finally said goodnight to Kairi since it was 12:58am in Jersey. Kairi said goodbye and fixed up his blankets on the floor. Kairi missed Mattia so he basically stalked him on social media. Kairi had to make a new account on instagram and tiktok and all that cause he was basically someone else.

Some could say 'Celebrity in disguise'. Kairi went to school on Friday since he just wanted to see what the school was like.


I'm hanging out of my new school today so I put on my contacts and wig and changed my style for a while. When I got there people told me I kinda looked like Kairi and well I am him but I just said "Yeah I get that a lot".

A girl came up to me "Hi I'm Jessica I'm popular and I'm hot. We should go out sometime" she said to me. "I'm good" I say before leaving. I see a girl having trouble opening her locker. "Need help" I ask.

"You're the new kid aren't you" She asked me. "Yeah well I guess for today. I just wanna see what I'm missing out on" I sat. "What grade you going to" She asked me. I explained to her that I was supposed to be a Senior but they offered me a spot at any college I wanted.

Her name is Aryanna. She sounded surprised when I told her about the college thing. She was a Senior and was headed off to UCLA. We became pretty good friends and we actually hung out over the summer.

The same 'popular hot' girl kept stalking me and well she soon thought that me and Aryanna were dating but I actually came out to Aryanna as gay a couple weeks after we became friends. I then told her that I was Kairi.

She said that she was honored that he trusted her and she would never break his trust. He hugged her and took her to his house. Ary and Kai (Jack) - Since Gianluca said that name it was the first to pop up in his mind so he now was named Jack.

When Ary and Kairi hung out at the park one day a bunch of girls came up to them and kept flirting with Kairi. He then yelled "I DON'T LIKE ANY OF YOU OKAY". Then Jessica said "Baby Jack I know you love me".

Kairi the  had enough and said "I'm gay". Then he walked off. Aryanna chased after him and they talked for  while before he explained everything to her. About how he found out he was gay. He never opened up to her that much but he finally wanted to.


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