In my darkest hour

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(A/N hi guys!! just a quick little note, so this chapter is going to touch on some serious issues, ex: manipulative ex-boyfriend and abuse. I will give a warning before that section of the writing and a warning when it's finished. I do not want anyone reading something that could possibly trigger one, but this is something that ties into Y/N's backstory a bit. I really want to start developing her character more now. in future chapters, if I plan to bring up the abuse again I will give a trigger warning like how I am in this chapter. please read those parts at your own will if you are sensitive to those parts. xx)


nausea. stomach-turning nausea matched with a thundering headache. 

your stomach was killing you, and your brain felt like mush. but at least you didn't need to throw up. there was a heavyweight laying on top of you, which didn't help your stomach.  you opened your eyes and looked down at the weight and realized it was Robert who still had his face buried in your chest, his arms were wrapped around your torso. he clung to you like you were his life support. it brought a smile over your lips, causing them to crack slightly due to them being dry.

you ran your hand through his hair and petted his curls as you glanced around the room, fixating your eyes on the clock that was beside the bed on the nightstand, noticing it was already going on noon.

you slowly sat up, gently moving Robert down to your lap. you continued to play with his hair, braiding a few sections of his hair. he let out a small huff and looked up at you, 

"what are you doing?" he asked, lifting his head now to look up at you, he wrapped his arms around your thighs. But his voice was incredibly hoarse and dry. it was almost painful to listen to, which you never thought would be possible when it came to Robert's voice. even Robert seemed surprised at his voice,

"are you okay?" you asked, he slowly sat up and fluffed his hair out, ridding it of the braids. he rubbed his throat, 

"My throat is burning," he croaked out, wincing at the end of his sentence, 

"do you want water? maybe I can order some tea," you reached over for the room service menu, but Robert took your hand away from it, 

"ill get water, can you go get James?" he whispered, it seemed to be the only way he could talk comfortably, well as comfortable as he could be with a ruined voice. 

"of course, anything for you, just relax. get some water," you kissed his cheek and got off the bed and went out and down the hall to Jimmy's room. you took a deep breath and knocked on his door. 

no response. typical. 

you knocked once more, louder this time. you heard him cussing on the other side, bottles knocking over as footsteps approached the door and opened. you looked up at him and you were taken aback a bit at the appearance of him. its like death warmed over in a night. he has a slight stubble growing on his face and his hair was all matted and knotted together. plus not to mention he reeked of booze and sex, his natural cologne. 

"have a good party?" you asked sarcastically, nodded towards his hair. he patted it down and rolled his eyes, 

"what do you want, it's early," 

"it's like noon. but not the point. look,  Robert's voice is hoarse, he can barely talk without being in pain," 

"God already? hasn't even been that long in the tour." he rubbed his face, "if you didn't know that's bound to happen. with his wails, he strains his voice easily. just tell him to get his stuff together, you as well. were going back to the U.K for a bit now, Robert needs to rest his voice. I suppose now is a good time for a break."

𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 (Robert Plant x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now