I'm done with that

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you woke up on top of Vince, his arms were wrapped around you tightly, glancing up at him you noticed he was already awake. you snuggled more into him and smiled, 

"morning Vince, how long have you been up for?" you asked 

"a few minutes ago when you rolled on top of me" he chuckled and pushed some of your hair back from your face,

"oh, I'm sorry, here I should go ask James how much time we have till we leave, how about you try to catch up on some sleep until we leave" you sat up on top of him and he gripped your thighs gently. 

"it's just a few minutes, not a big deal" he smiled and rubbed the sides of your thighs, "I suppose so but still" you bit your lip and slid your hands on his and intertwined your fingers with his and held them on your thighs. you leaned in and hovered your face over his, "too bad we don't have much time" you giggled and kissed his nose and got off him. 

"well we probably could," he said sitting up, looking back you smiled at him,  

"hmmm, maybe, but probably not" you slipped out of the room and walked down to Jimmy's room, you knocked but didn't hear a response, you poked your head in slowly, you saw him passed out surrounded by half-naked, to fully naked women, but also Lori was laying next to him who was fully dressed. she was the only one on the bed, whereas the rest of the women were laying on the floor. 

Jimmy's shirt was off and you saw all his needle marks from the heroin you have heard so much about from the press, you had hoped they were false but I guess it was real, you had hoped every time he looked strung out it was just from alcohol. not this.

there wasn't a lot of marks, but there was a good amount. frowning you went closer to him and saw a used syringe lying next to him on the bed,  and a fresh mark, he was paler than he usually was and his chest was slowly rising up and down, taking his pulse it was slow and sort of irregular as well. panic flooded over you, you didn't know what to do at this moment, hell what if this was just normal? you looked around and saw he had a conjoined room this time, you went through and saw it was Robert's room, he was on the bed with a different woman wrapped around him. 

you went over and shook him away, he jolted and looked around, he fixated his eyes on you and sat up rubbing his face, "Hey, what's wrong?" 

"its Jimmy, h-he doesn't look right," your voice was shakey, 

"Alright, alright I'm sure everything is fine, just relax love." he got up,  your eyes glossed over at the girl, he looked back at her and turned you around and walked out with you 

"nothing happened between the two of us, she was just plastered and wouldn't leave. so don't worry, I'm done with that," he said softly and he went over to Jimmy, you didn't think much of his words at first, you were too busy worrying about your brother. you stood behind Robert and looked down at jimmy. 

Robert shook him and had no response, he shook him even harder once more, "James wake up" he said loudly, jimmy stirred and groaned, gripping Lori closer to him, 

"piss off Robert" he grumbled, his words were mildly slurred but it was still audible. 

"yeah yeah, just know we have to leave in less than an hour, ill pack your bags and get rid of your guests. you just focus on getting up and dealing with Lori," he said as he walked off and woke up the women all around Jimmy's room and shooing them away, they all sluggishly got dressed and wandered out, you looked around and thought for a second and remember what Robert said, your head snapped up at him, 

"wait, Robert,  what did you mean earlier?" you asked,

"What are you talking about?" he asked picking up Jimmy's clothes and belongings and shoving them into his suitcases, 

𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 (Robert Plant x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now