take life in

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(a/n: hello everyone, sorry for the delay, the very long delay, but im back now. im going to finish this book so that i can finally move onto other books so i hope you all enjoy the final few chapters) 

Today didnt feel like a normal day, waking up you had felt off. as if something was going to happen but you didnt know what. you tried not to think about it, you were just paranoid. maybe its cause you felt as if you were sea sick. yeah, that had to be it. 

walking downstairs you saw robert making breakfast while carmen was coloring on the floor by the fridge, you smiled softly, you really adored her. she was so sweet, and her childlike innocence was so genuine. robert looked over at you and gave you a warm smile before he focussed back on his eggs that he was making. 

"uncle jimmy called you," carmen said, breaking her attention from her coloring page and putting it on you, you raised and eyebrow and went by robert, 

"why is that?" you asked, 

"no idea, he said he was going to pick you up soon though so you probably should go get ready just in case," robert said before he planted a quick kiss on your forehead, you were so confused, what did he want now? 

"okay well, i guess ill go get ready then," you said apprehensively before turning on your heel and walking back up the stairs into the bedroom. you quickly showered and threw on a pair of bell bottoms, crop top and a pair of converse and fluffed out your hair before you went back downstairs. you didnt want to take too long to change or get ready because you didnt know when your brother was coming to get you. 

when you got downstairs he wasnt there yet, carmen was eating and robert was washing the dishes by now. he looked over at you, 

"he called again like 5 minutes ago, he said he was leaving so he'll be here in a few minutes," you nodded and went over and helped dried the dishes, 

"he didn't say anything about where we were going or what we were doing?" robert shook his head no, 

"nope, not a word, not even when i asked," weird. 

"maybe he needs help with someone at home," you tried to rationalize what it could be, robert shrugged and handed you another plate, 

"whatever it is i hope it doesnt take long, i was thinking we could all go for a walk today or do something together outside, that is if the weather lets up," you looked out the window and saw it was raining out, that could potentially cross off outdoor activities with jimmy. 

"can we go run in the puddles?" carmen asked, the both of you looked behind at her, robert smiled and nodded, 

"anything you'd like dear," as soon as he said that there was a car horn blarring outside, you groaned, 

"thats probably jimmy," you said, setting down the drying rag. robert turned off the sink and wiped his hands on his pant legs and gave you a hug and a kiss, 

"try to be civil with one another?" 

"no promises," you replied, as you turned away he gave you a swift smack on your ass, you jumped and blushed, shooting the smiley man a dirty look. you grabbed your jacket and left the house, getting into the car with jimmy. 

"morning," he grumbled, he had on sunglasses and his hair was sort of messy, he sped off out of roberts drive way and down the street,

"good morning," you replied, "where are we going?" 

"my house, i need help moving something," his voice was flat, but slurred a little bit, either he was hungover or drunk. you tried not to pay it much attention but still kept an eye on him and the speedometer that grew continuously as the two of you drove down the street. 

"you couldnt have just told robert that?" 

"i couldve but i didnt want to be on the phone for long, i have a massive headache and im severely hung over right now. i just want to get this over with," 

"maybe if you didnt drink every night then you wouldnt be so hungover or grouchy," you sneered, you felt the car swerve a little bit as the rain picked up, "can we slow down? you shouldnt be driving this fast while the roads are this slick," 

"its fine, just stop worrying for once," he grumbled. you didnt want to argue so you just stayed silent and kept a hand on the handle, trying to focus your attention on your grip around the handle, not on the sickness that roared throughout your core or the speed jimmy was going at or the swerve of the backend of the car. 

"hows carmen doing?" jimmy asked, trying to break the silence in the car, 

"shes fine, she wants to play in the rain today so im hoping this doesnt take too long so i can go spend time with them," 

"you know you have all the time in the world to spend time with robert and her," 

"not really, carmen doesnt live with robert full time so she wont always be with us, plus who knows what will happen between robert and i," 

"what do you mean by that?" he asked, he looked at you, you looked at him, 

"well like in a sense of seriousness, i dont know," you stopped yourself from going further, you didnt want to get into it with him, you reached over and pushed his face so that he was facing the road once more. 

"i think you worry too much to be honest, why cant you just let life take its course?" you raised your eyebrow at him, 

"what do you mean? of course i let life go on, but i just like a little bit of structure," 

"if you did you wouldnt be so worried all the time," where was this worry thing coming from, he was making no sense, you looked at him and watched him take his hands off the wheel and accelerate more, your eyes widen, "what are you doing?!" 

"letting life takes its course!" a thunder bolt cracked in the air after he said that, you panicked as the car swerved more now, you lunged over and grabbed the steering wheel but pulled too hard towards yourself, the wheel jerked the car too far and swerved off the road, down into a grassy field. you let go of the steering wheel as you got jerked to the side, hitting your head against the car door window. you could feel the car jerk around, spinning out of control as everything faded to black.

𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 (Robert Plant x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now