Nadia: Nadia's proposal was well planned and thought out. It was elegant, yet private, an intimate moment between the two. She proposed after a wonderful day of luxurious pampering, including a lovely stroll through the gardens, a delectable catered luncheon, and a relaxing spa session with a massage and a nice soak in the grand bath. The evening ended on Nadia's balcony as the two shared a nightcap. "MC, I have something to ask of you," Nadia began. "I have admired your skills and determination since we met. I am ever grateful for your aid from that night I came calling at your shop. I love you, MC. And I would be honoured to have you by my side forever more. Would you accept my proposal and be my spouse?" MC gladly accepted and embraced Nadia tightly. *** The wedding was grand indeed. The entire city-state was involved in the celebrations, and the Satrinava family all came in from Prakra. Nadia, of course, had the most beautiful and extravagant outfits made, catering to MC's personal preferences for their own clothing while still remaining exceptional wedding attire. The banquet was a huge feast, with a wonderful ball following in honour of the couple. The ceremony itself was, as agreed on by the couple, more traditional in the Prakran style. For the honeymoon, the pair spent time travelling abroad, including a final destination visiting Nadia's summer palace out on the Sea of Persephia.

Portia: Portia and MC were in Portia's cottage doing some baking and cooking and having a grand old time. The proposal was out of the blue, completely unplanned. The pair were simply enjoying time spent together, music playing in the background. They were talking and laughing and messing about as they cooked and baked, just having fun. Some flour was accidentally spilled all over Portia's front, and in a fun-spirited retaliation, she threw flour right back at MC. The two engaged in a mini food war, covering the kitchen in powdery flour, laughing and smiling the whole time. When they finished, they were laying on the flour-covered floor, all out of breath and giggling. The two lay there for a while, and Portia expressed how much fun she was having with MC around, and in a heartfelt moment, she told MC how much their companionship meant to her. She expressed her love and how she wished MC would always be with her. "I guess what I'm trying to say, is that you being here with me, means the world to me. I never want to go a day without you, ya know?" And from there the words just fell right out of her mouth without a second thought. MC was delighted, of course, to agree to the proposal. *** The wedding was beautiful, out on the beach, surrounded by friends and family. It was a good-sized wedding, with many of the palace staff in attendance as Portia's friends. Even her family from Nevivion made it out to Vesuvia to celebrate. And when it was all said and done, the two took a ship and set sail for wherever they pleased, contend to honeymoon wherever the wind took them.

Muriel: Muriel's proposal was the opposite of a grand gesture. It was quiet and small. After so much time spent with MC after the ordeal with the Devil, Muriel realized that he'd like to spend the rest of his life with MC. The day of the proposal was mostly like any other. MC had moved in with Muriel while continuing to work with Asra at the shop. The couple got up together, ate, MC went off to work and Muriel got to work on his latest woodworking project: a pair of intricately carved wooden wedding bands. When MC came into the house, Muriel was just finishing up the rings. MC asked what he was working on and Muriel blushed. He explained in as few words as possible how MC was one of the only people he had in his life whom he trusted and liked having around. He expressed his desire for MC to stay in his life forever, at that's when he presented the matching wedding bands to MC, asking them to stay with him always. MC smiled warmly and accepted, of course. *** The wedding was super small out by the forest, with just Asra, Julian and Portia as the guests. Nadia officiated the wedding as requested and the group of 6 had a small celebration in the area near MC and Muriel's home. The honeymoon was a simple vacation across the lands, never in one area for long, just enjoying time alone away from the city and away from all the people.

Lucio: A grand, fantastical proposal. At least, that's what it was supposed to have been. While Lucio planned an extravagant party where he planned on asking MC to marry him, he hadn't been so subtle. The cat was out of the bag weeks before the party. MC had come to Lucio's study upon his request, but when they arrived, Lucio wasn't there. Instead, on the desk was an open ring box and all of the plans for the party. MC left, in search of the Count, and found him later on at dinner. Later that night as they readied for bed, Lucio was complementing MC in as many ways as he could. When MC laughed at his compliments, Lucio feigned hurt, asking what was so funny about him complimenting his partner. MC simply said, if you really feel that way, just propose already and stop waiting around. Lucio was shocked and asked how MC knew. MC pointed out how he invited them to his study and failed to be there himself, leaving all of the plans and the ring out in the open. Lucio blushed and laughed nervously. "Well then, if that's how it is, will you marry me?" He asked, pulling the ring out from his pocket. MC laughed and nodded. "Of course, I will". The party turned into a celebration of their engagement and it was just as grand and well-attended as previous Masquerades. *** The wedding was huge. A city-wide party bigger than anything Vesuvia had seen before. The ceremony was attended by as many people would fit in the biggest ballroom the palace had, and the reception party spilled out onto every street in the city. Celebrations lasted for days, even after the couple had left for their honeymoon, leaving the continent altogether and exploring farther out into distant lands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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