caphetr 2: Zero is a cool guy

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this episode is decyteated to my friend Zero love ya Gurl XoxXO Gossip girl uWU

it was the next day and that day there was a japanese high school and the japanese high school bell ringed and everyone lefted school, Ali walked alone because she was a sad, lonely, pathetic, useless bag of human waste. 

hse did not have many friends, there she sawed a family aquaintance, Lasoona-senpai quietly wallking reading what she asumed was fanfictn (Oh boy I hope it's Shadow- A Super Duper Sentai fanfiction XDDDDDD)

Allen Walked up to hear. She did it with swag; swag so superbly serious it surprised the silent girl. 

Ali: hey do you remember yesterday when the Lupin Gangler attacked

Lassona: yes I heard 17 people went missing and 2 died

Ali: :(

Lasoona: :(

the both girls where are sad

Ali: but lupinranegrers are they! and saved the they!

Lasoona: yeah! I wonder who they are?

Ali me too

Ali left lasoorra and went to eat at a cool new restaurant

She sat down and an acute  waitress (gay)atended hers

Umika: hello I'm Umika what do you want

Ali's thinked for a moment. for what seemed to be less than a second, her entire world stopped. it was like if a chain of dominoes had collapsed perfectly into each other. from the battle yesterday to entering the establishment, it all clicked.

AMI: OFGFDGHFDJHGSDMJFVF YOU ARE LUPING YELLOW FORM kaitou sentai lupinranger vs keisatsu sentai patranger

Umika flustered and punch Ali in face. collapse passing her in her her table she paid for to eat in.

Ali woke up in a cold dark wet and dank room, tied chair to her chair was taid.

Kairi a pear

ALi: Kairi

Kairi: How didyou know we are kat sentai lupinranger

Ali: idk I heard you say Umika yesterday at attack in high school

Kairi: oh ok that makes sense

Toma was shut up and untied Ali from the tied chair

Ali: free at last!

Kairi: well we can't let you go now that you know the indentification of the Phantom Thiefs

Ali: so what do I do?? do I go back away to normal ?

Umika: I think we should ask Kogure-san to give us...the thing

Toum: Yes

Ali what

kari: I think it's time to make you ...

the 4th Lupin Ranger

ALi what

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