Cahpter !: Super Sentai is REEL????????

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IN  a japnaese high school a high school bell rang and everyone left a very boring class about Biology. 

Ali (ME LOL) IS a student and was very smart, but no one liked him. he liked super sentai and Kamen rider, everyone else liked american television like Stranger things and the Godfather. 

Ali: I'm not like them

but he was in reality very sad because his itrerets where shunned and thrown into the garbage. thee was only one person who liked him, his best friend Taka-kun.  but he was no longer here because he moved to another school

Alu andy was move to apartment. he was attacked by a mysterious monster. 

??: hahaha I like my piece of the Lupin Collectiom

Ali thought she had heard a weird word.... Lupin Collection??? that seemed familiar, but she did remember not.

she triend to run away and gotinto a behind of a turned over cafe table.

Ali: aahhhh I'm gonna die

but out of the sudden 3 colorful figures with shapes appeared and started shooting with was the Kaito Sentai Lupin Ranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger (or Lupat abreviated). the red one started shooting the big monster 

Red: this is too easy
Blue: ...

there was also a yellow one that she rushed right into the monster and put a toy helicopter inside of the monster " 4 - 2 - 6" said the helicopter that opened a part of the monster  and Yellow took a thing inside of monster


Yellow: Maybe think next time about gtetting in the way of Phantom Thieves!!!

yellow walked up to the Blue and Red cape hat guy. 

Red: we have what we need Umika-Chan let's go away

"Umika: ok " said the yellow

they left by a big giant red Airplane.

Ali: hmmm

sheI left the thought at the weird thieves that took monster. 

she was the only  one that knew the real reality truth

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