Metas thoughts: too late to see a therapist now when I got Kirby

Kirby made a small smile.

Kirby: "aww" she was happy she got rid of Metas anxiety

Meta: "......" is feeling embarrassed

Kirby: "what did I do that made it go away?"

Meta: "I don't know.." he lied.

Metas thoughts: made me feel something again

Kirby: "Hm I think that was a lie. But you've made it clear you don't want to talk about it so I'll leave it at that. And besides whatever the reason is I'm sure it puts me in good light" she smiled

Meta: "it does"


Kirby: "ok I'm hungry" and they both left to get foods.

*time pass*

It's later in the day now and Kirby can't stop thinking about the conversation she had with Meta that morning. She can't imagine what he's been through but she's glad she was able to ease his pain. She only wishes he would tell her what she did that changed the way he felt.

Kirbys thoughts: damn I'm such a good girlfriend I made Metas anxiety go away

She decided to ask Sword and Blade for their input on Metas mental health. She figured they would tell her more than Meta did. She found Sword and Blade playing video games in the knights living room.

Kirby: "hello Sword, Blade"

Blade: "oh hi Kirby" he said with a hint of attitude

Kirby: "umm okay... I have some questions about Meta"

Blade: "oh, I bet you do" with more attitude

Sword: "clam down Blade, let's be reasonable. We must learn to respect Metas choices" Sword pouted

Kirby: "what! You guys don't like me?" Kirby is sad Metas friends don't like her

Sword: "no no, we like you, it's just-" is cut off

Blade: "your hogging Meta all to yourself!"

Kirby: "oh, um sorry? I'll let you have him tomorrow"

Sword: "that is acceptable, you may proceed with your questions"

Kirby went and sat down on the couch next to them. They were playing Kirby Star Allies jk jk haha they were playing Mario Kart. Kirby is a god at Mario kart.

Kirby: " know how Meta has like problems?"

Blade: "which problems are you referring too?"

Sword: "Kirby you have to be specific, Meta has many problems"

Kirby: "the ptsd and survivors guilt ones"

Blade: "ah yes, those problems"

Sword: "Meta has had a rough past, he doesn't like to talk about it, so we don't know that much about it"

Kirby: "I didn't come to ask you about his war life I wanted to know about how he deals with his trauma"

Blade: "well, he doesn't deal with it. He keeps everything to himself"

Kirby: "that's not healthy"

Sword: "we know and it's made him moody and depressed"

(Ur half way done reading! Keep going!!) (also im writing this on the 4 of July and ppl won't stfu)

Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя