Chapter 1

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(I have never drawn a background before, I never drew a ship before and I never drew something that glowed before, (except my Dtiys which I drew after this) pls understand XD)

The storm was ragging on.
The sea was raging, the waves crashing against each other, lighting cracking above the heads of the travelers on the boat, rain pouring down on the deck and their heads.
The people tried to hold the ropes tied to the sail, trying to get its control back.
The leader of the ship yelled through the storm, giving commands to everyone.
They couldn't drown, and they wouldn't.
The chief covered his eyes and locked forward.
It looked like an hurricane.
This was a bad omen.
What in Odins name could have enraged the gods this much?
The waves and wind drove the ship farther into the eye of the storm. The chief was worried and started to look out for his 8 year old son, who was barking at everyone.
Even though he knew their relationship wasn't the best, he loved him deeply, and cared for him.
He had no one else anymore.
His son was the only thing his family left behind.
And he would protect him with everything there is.
The cracking sound of lightning
snapped him out of his thoughts. They where to close to the storm already.
But then something came up.
He heard of a legend, where a salesman came into the eye of the storm, where he was save.
He gritted his teeth and screamed: "FULL COURSE TO THE STORM!"
Everyone looked at him, confused, but Dagur, his son yelled back "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!?!".
"We don't have a choice!" Oswald told him "FULL COURSE TO THE STORM!" everyone still looked confused, but the captain repeated the words. The ship turned course and the wall of clouds came closer.
Everything became foggy, rain splashed down, and suddenly, silence.
By the gods, did we arrive Valhalla?
The storm stopped.
We where in the eye.
We where surrounded by clouds and thunder, but there wasn't any rain. We could even see the stars sparkling above.
"well" Dagur broke the silence "I didn't really expect this to happen"
Everyone broke down in relief, and captain Vorg came towards me and asked "Sir, how did you know we where save in here?". I smiled at him and said "the eye of the storm, it's a legend my..." but I got cut of when the familiar sound of thunder came back, we looked around, it was to loud and it came back over and over again. "THERE! ABOVE US!" someone yelled. We all looked up and one of the most incredible things happened.
I'm the middle of the eye, something ingulved in light came down.
I tried to make sense of it all.
What was that?
What in Odins world is happening?
The thunder became louder, lightning flashing above our heads, the eye closing, the wind flying around the ball of light. With the little sight I had, I saw something strange at the ball. It looked like a silhouette, but of what?
The light became dimmer, but before I could get a better look, lightning bolts from different directions stroked right into the center of the light source. The sound was so unbearably loud, I almost thought I would be deaf for the rest of my old years. A shock of wind blew right into our faces, knocking us down. When I looked back up, it was gone. There was just rain pouring down at our heads. It was so quiet on the boat, the only thing you could hear where the waves and rain, dripping down at the ship.
I was speechless. Was it an illusion? A punishment, a trap from the gods?
I instantly looked at my people and son, who where all alright to my relief.
Everyone, included me, looked over deck, to see what happend.
But there was nothing, as if the storm and light never happend.
"Something fell down!" Dagur interrupted my thoughts, we looked at him, pointing at the open sea, but there was nothing.
I sighed "son, there is not...". "BLA BLA BLA I DON'T CARE!!" Dagur interrupted me, and before I could even react, he jumped of the boat. "DAGUR!" I screamed in panic "GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!".
What am I thinking?
Of course he won't listen to me, he never listened to me!
I let out a growl of frustration, turned around to the captain and said:" sail right into that direction!"before I jumped of board to get my lunatic boy of a son. I swam straight towards him. Even though the storm ended, the waves were strong and blocked my sight. I heard the loud screams and barks of captain Vorg behind me. I started yelling my son's name, trying to get no water in my mouth, but the rain and ocean made my search more difficult. And then in a brief moment, I saw him. He was struggling to stay above water, paddling and waving his arm, cursing around.
Why isn't he using his other arm?
I swam as fast as I could to him, closer to the harsh words, that even I am surprised where an eight-year-old could have learned them. And as soon as I reached him, I wrapped my arm around my son, but he was alot bigger then I thought. Looking down, I noticed he was holding something.
Or, someone?
The yelling of my men snapped me out of my mind. A rope was thrown down to us. I grapped hold of the rope, letting it pull us on the boat. The waves started to get bigger, crashing against us, trying to tear us apart. Finally, my men where able to pull us up. As soon as we got on the boat, Dagur and I started huffing and coughing out the water. But as soon as I got my breath back, I turned around, grabbed my son on the arms and started shaking HIM. I rarely loose my temper, but this was the droplet that caused the goblet to overflow. "DAGUR! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!? YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED! I told you..."
But I was cut of by him, screaming back at me.
We where silent as we heard the soft sound of coughing. I looked over my son's shoulder to see the Captain holding a little girl, wearing an old ragged dress. Her hair was pitch black, and for a split second, I thought it was my lost daughter Heather. I emidialty went to her. She opened her little eyes and my hopes where gone at the same moment.
Her eyes where blue.
This wasn't Heather.
Dagur came next to me and starred at her.
The unknown girl blinked a few times and looked at us with a confused look. Her eyes had an unusual deep color. Instead of the grey light blue, or sky blue, her eyes where as dark as a nightsky or the deep blue of the ocean or the dark shade of an sapphire.
Her ears had an unusual shape as well. They where pointy and longer instead of round and short.
Dagur suddenly grapped her by her arm, making her squeal and said: "you look weird". "Dagur!" I snapped and pushed him away from her. She squeaked again and tried to get away.
"Let go of me!!" she yelled, jumping up, but collapsed as soon as she was up. I caught her in time and gently held her in my arms. She looked very exhausted and scared. I hold her tight to me and got up, turning around to tell my men to get back on track. I went to the chambers (followed by Dagur asking her random questions). She started protesting a little bit, wiggling and trying to escape while ignoring Dagur. I closed the door behind me and infront of Dagur, and put her down. She pushed herself away, crawling away from me. The girl shivering of fear and cold. "it's OK" I said, while kneeling down. "your save, nobody will hurt you". Our eyes met, her blue eyes suspiciously looked at me. "My name is Oswald the Agreeable, but you can call me just Oswald. I'm the chief of the Berserker tribe". "B-Berserker?". I nodded. She tilted her head and asked "does that mean your crazy?". I chuckled. "No, I'm not crazy". "BUT I AM!" my son suddenly yelled and threw the door open. He stormed past me and pinched her face. "your funny. And weird at the same time." I jumped forward to pick up my son, but she surprising me, by slapped him across the face. "YOUR SCARY! GO AWAY!". Before my son could throw a tandrum, I picked him up, put him outside the door and closed the door, locking it from the inside. I went back to her "I'm really sorry about my son, he's... a bit of a trouble child". She looked at the door "so he's the crazy one". I took a towel and gave it to her, sitting next to her "what's your name?". She dried herself a bit, then mumbled "Vela".
An unusual name...
"and your family name?". She dried of her hair, looking up with confusion "what's a family?".
She doesn't know what a family is?
"it's... a group of humans, who are related to each other, they share the same blood and similar look. They are very close and love each other very much. Even in hard times" I explained and looked to the door. "I see" she look of the towel, and started rubbing her face. Now that her hair was dry, I noticed that the tips of her hair weren't black, but the same deep blue as her eyes.
Who is she? And a better queastion, what is she?
She looks (alsmost) like a normal person, but something is fishy...
"do you know where you live?" I tried.
She was hesitant at the moment, looking as if she was really thinking about it. "no" she finally answered "I can't really remember anything..." she suddlend coughed. I got up, and grabbed the nearest mug and filled it with water, giving it to her. She drank and I asked again "can you remember anything? Something? Maybe a small detail?" she gulped the entire mug in no time, gasping for air as she finished, then turned to me with a smile, showing four fingers "I'm five!". I blinked at her.
At least something.
She yawned, mumbling "I'm sleepy". "um, you can sleep here if you want" I said, pointing at my bed. I will just sleep in the hammocks with the rest of the crew today. I gently picked her up and put her in bead, tucking her in. She yawned again, said "thank you mister Oswald" before plopping in bed, falling asleep.
I stroke her head.
The mysterious girl who we found during Thors wrath.

FINALLY FINISHED! OMG, almost 2000 words, a really long chapter. I will try to keep it shorter, I'm sorry XD
This is my intro and fiets chapter to Vela's Story! Hope you guys enjoyed! And sorry for the messy pic >~<

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