Chapter 2: while john's daydreaming

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Paul knocked on George's door. A few seconds later it opened and George stood there. He moved to the side to let Paul in.
"Ringo is gone to get food so we can gossip like a bunch of birds." George smiled. Paul laughed at his remark, even though they did sound like birds if you heard their conversation.
"That's cool, well if he were here we couldn't really talk about crushes, huh?" George laughed at that, it was true though. Ever sense Paul decided he like John he went to his brother, George for advice.
Paul was crying when he first admitted it, he thought he was going to loose his best friend once he found out. George just smiled when he found out "i thought I was alone!" George exclaimed. "You like john?" Paul questioned in a hushed, worried tone. "No. Don't worry mate... I do like a bloke though..." George looked down. "Who!?" Paul was excited he wasn't alone and that he had someone to bond with. George blushed "....well... Umm... ITS RINGS OK!?" Paul looked at George. "I knew it! Haha, I knew it all along! You guys would be adorable!" Paul was telling the truth, he did think that Ringo and George would be cute. And ever sense they met Ringo in Hamburg Paul could see George eye Ringo.
Now meeting up was a regular thing for them. Paul would go over to George's, or so times vice versa, and they would just share advice. They didn't know that John and Ringo met up every now and then to talk about the others, but that's for a different chapter. They were sitting at the kitchen table taking.
"I can't tell if Ringo likes me! He sends me so many mixed signals!" George was talking about how it was going with Ringo. Paul was nodding, drinking a cuppa that George just made for them. "One moment he's touching my hand, the next he barley talks to me for a whole day" George sighed.
"I don't know, John does that to me. I don't think he likes me." Paul sighed. "Don't be crazy! You're Paul bloody McCartney! He fancies you. I can tell." George exclaimed to Paul. Paul smiled. "Ringo fancies you as well, he's always looking at you." Paul smiled to George. George's face lit up at his remark. "You think?" George smiled. "I know." Paul assured. It was 8:45, Paul arrived at 7:28. George was about to say something about Ringo when the odor opened. Both boys looked up and saw Ringo holding a sandwich.
"You were out for a while" George remarked. "Figured you wanted time away from me" replied Ringo. "What!?" George exclaimed standing up and walking towards Ringo. "Never" said George taking the rest of Ringo's sandwich. Ringo blushed and Paul could tell Ringo had a crush on the lead guitarist/youngest Beatle.
"I should be going." Said Paul standing up, "give you two some alone time" Paul winked at George, Ringo didn't hear Paul though, he was in the bedroom changing. Paul left and left George and Ringo alone. Ringo walked out in boxers and a tee-shirt. George blushed madly and turned away hopping Ringo wouldn't see his flushed cheeks. Ringo just sat on the couch, "what do you guys even talk about when you're alone?" Ringo asked curiously. "Oh nothing really, just music, Hamburg, random stuff" George half lied. "Ah Hamburg. That's where I met you" Ringo smiled. George blushed again and sat by Ringo on the couch. "Yup" George smiled "I'm glad"
Paul opened the door to his and johns room. John looked like he was dozing off but his head popped up. "Sorry if I woke you" said Paul smiling. John just smiled back and lay on his bed and fell to sleep. Paul slipped in his bed, which was happily only a few feet away from Johns, and fell asleep himself, dreaming of johns mothers funeral and how Paul had to comfort John.

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