Chapter 8: smile and wave

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A/N: hello lovelies! S/O to @i_love_beatlez! I really like their story they wrote. And they are nice.
Ringo looked at George for a second. 'Is he leaning in?' Ringo thought to himself as he noticed George was getting closer. He felt a pair of lips crash against his. Ringo was too shocked to kiss back. As soon as George realized what he was doing he stopped and turned around, turning the door handle. Those bastards didn't even lock the door! He walked out of the closet, leaving Ringo to sit there, thinking about what just happened.

George walked out of the closet and into the recording room where Paul was tuning his bass and John looked almost as confused as Ringo.

Ringo walked out a couple seconds later. He had the weirdest look on his face. As if he just saw a ghost mixed with a dog just talked to him.

"You alright? You look as if you've seen a ghost, son" John said as he looked up at Ringo.

"Fine.... Just... Fine" Ringo said quietly. Paul looked up at Ringo too and saw how confused he was. He knew George had something to do with it.

"George, can we talk? Now? Closet." Paul stood up and grabbed George's arm and dragged him into the closet he was in not to long ago.

"What's the matter?" George asked.

"What happened in here?" Paul asked George with a demanding tone.


"Spit it out!" Paul raised his voice.

"Kissed... R-Ringo" George looked down at the floor, he felt embarrassed. Even if Paul did know he liked Ringo he felt like Paul would laugh.

"What'd he do? Did he yell at you?" Paul asked in an excited tone.

"He didn't kiss back and said nothing" George said quietly.

"I should talk to him" Paul said as he went to open the door.

"No!" George shouted as he slapped his hand away. Paul looked at George, confused.

"Why not?" Paul asked in an annoyed tone, folding his arms across his chest.

"He doesn't want to talk about it."

~John and Ringo~

"He kissed me!" Ringo grabbed johns arm and shook it.

"Good for you" John smiled "Paul is making this difficult for me."

"Why's that?" Ringo asked, trying to keep his excitement in.

"I think.... He likes me..."

"Really?!" Ringo asked in the most sarcastic tone one would ever hear.

"No need to be rude about it. He's being confusing! I have an excuse" John pouted.

"Kiss the boy" Ringo slapped John's back.

"Oh you make it seem sooo easy!" John rolled his eyes to Ringo "what's the date?" John asked, all of a sudden remembering something important.

"The 5th" Ringo raised an eyebrow "July 5th" Ringo assured himself.

"Great! Thanks rings, tomorrow is going to be a big day!"

"You're welcome?" Ringo was still confused.

John opened the closet door and grabbed Paul.

"Come on, Paul, we have an interview" John took Paul through the door "you guys coming?" John yelled back at Ringo and George.

"One sec!" Ringo yelled to John. John shrugged and walked off.

"What's up?" George awkwardly asked Ringo.

"Nothing really" Ringo replied, sounding a little shaky.

"Sorry about the ki-" George was not so rudely interrupted by Ringo kissing George, a shirt but sweet kiss.

"It's okay geo. Let's go."

Ringo walked off leaving George in the studio for a second. He smiled and felt his lips before walking out of the studio to the car awaiting them.

~in the interview~

"How was the recording session today?" One female reporter towards the back asked.

"Eventful" John laughed as the other three boys laughed with a nod.

"Did the songs go smoothly?" A different male reporter asked.

"Paul only messed up on a song once" George chuckled towards Paul as Paul's face turned a light pink.

"What kind of mess up was this?" Another reporter off to the side asked.

"What happens in the recording studio stays in the recording studio" Ringo pipped up.

"What are you all planning for this week sense you have the day off tomorrow and Sunday?" A female reporter asked.

"Sunday I'm sleeping" Paul said in an exasperated voice.

"Tomorrow are you sleeping as well or is there something else planned for you four?" A man asked towards the front.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day" John said smiling. And John was very correct with this statement. He just didn't know how big of a day it would be.
A/N I have decided to try and update once a month at least. Life has just caught up to me. Next chapter is all about McLennon I am trying. Sorry for the short chapter. Comments? Votes?

And I love him; Er I meanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora