Chapter 1: johns flashback

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Discloser: Non of this is real, as far as I am concerned, we may never know. I don't own any of the Beatles songs, or the Beatles. Enjoy the story, it's my first one in this form, so let's hope it's great, IF YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC DO NOT READ. thank you. It will get better as it goes on.

John sat on his bed, back against the headboard. The hotel room was dark and he was alone. Paul went to talk with George, sometimes John got jealous of how close Paul was with the youngest Beatle. He always had to remind himself how George was basically Paul's brother... He hoped. John closed his eyes and thought about Paul, the first time he knew for a fact that he was in love. Only problem, he was in love with a bloke, his best friend.
John was sitting on a chair at his mothers funeral, a place he never wanted to be. His band mates were there to comfort him. He saw Paul sitting on a wooden chair across the room, sorrow in his eyes. "Why should he be sad? Its not his moms bloody funeral!" John thought to himself. He didn't know why he was angry Paul felt bad, he just was. Then he got angry at Paul in general. He was singing to Paul, laughing with Paul, when his mum got run down. That's when all hell got unleashed. He walked over to Paul.
"if I wasn't with you this wouldn't have happened!" John yelled. Everyone turned to that part of the room, all eyes were on Paul and John. Paul sat there, too stunned to speak. John continued.
"If I weren't with you, I could have been with her! She wouldn't have crossed the god forsaken road!" John was still yelling, then a sob came out. "She would be here!" John sobbed.
John didn't want anyone to see his tears so he ran outside. Paul wasn't going to let his friend go through this alone so he ran outside as well, shouting johns name as he went outside. Paul caught Johns shoulder and spun John around. Now they were standing in the road, just John and Paul, staring at each other for a moment. Finally Paul spoke,
"John..." Paul trailed off not knowing what to say. Sure, he was mad at John for drawing all the eyes in the room to the two, but he felt bad, his mum just died for gods sake. Paul spoke some more "it's not my fault! You can't blame me for something I have nothing to do with!" Tears were filling in Paul's eyes. He felt bad for having John blame him.
The next thing john did was complete mistake, because honestly he loved Paul, he was his best mate, but he couldn't help it. He had too much rage. The next thing Paul knew there was a fist hitting his chubby cheek. Paul fell to the ground with a thud. Paul was shocked! He was also hurt. Paul laid in one place, tears streaming down his face. John sat there staring at Paul for a second. When John realized what he did, he dropped to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.
"Paul!" John cried, "oh my god, Paul! I'm the worst friend ever!" John lifted Paul up so he was sitting. John hugged Paul as hard as he could. Paul sat confused for a second, then he hugged him back. "It's ok," Paul cooed in John's ear, "you're fine, it's ok, you're my best friend. Shhhhh." John calmed down a little bit. He leaned back and looked in Paul's eyes. Those beautiful, big, doe eyes. He loved him. "Wait," John thought "I can't! It's illegal!" He just kept looking at Paul. "Well, I'm never telling Paul this" John thought, because the more he sat with Paul the more he realized he was in love with him.
(Back to reality)
John smiled as he remembered how he fell in lev with his best friend, and how they just sat there hugging a while after that. He was dozing off when he herd the door open. John smiled as he saw Paul come in the room.
"Hey, sorry if I woke you" Paul smiled. John smiled in response. He wanted to get up and hug Paul, but he didn't know he would respond so he just lye down on his bed and shut his eyes. Paul got in his bed just a few feet from Johns and fell asleep himself.

And I love him; Er I meanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum