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Enjoy this chapter. I'm going to update the next chapter probably some time next year.


I heard the loud blazing sirens of the ambulance a few blocks down. A crowd had formed around me, staring at the hurt boy at my feet. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked up. She was wearing a baseball cap that hid her hair and covered her face- Taylor. She had done a good job hiding her identity from the crowd because no one had yelled out her name or asked for pictures. She rubbed my shoulders but avoided looking down at Ed. I didn't blame her. This was her absolute best friend and here he was, broken down.

The ambulance came rushing down the street, its sirens wailing as cars pulled to the side of the road. It stopped a few feet away from us and two paramedics came rushing out of the ambulance with a gurney.

"What happened?" the woman paramedic asked, examining Ed but talking to me.

I explained how he was calling my name and when I turned to answer, a car ran straight into him. Taylor latched her hand around my arm, trying to keep her balance as she listened to the details. The paramedic checked his pulse and heart rate. After slipping her stethoscope back around her neck, she and her partner set Ed onto a gurney and into the ambulance. Taylor and I hailed a cab and followed the ambulance to the hospital.


The nurses at the hospital knew who we were. They kept peaking over at me and Taylor, whispering. But their voices were far from quite because I could hear everything they were saying.

"Ed Sheeran... didn't he go on tour with that Taylor girl?" one nurse said, googling Ed's name in her computer. If this were the type of nurses Ed would have to deal with, I was concerned. 

"You mean Taylor Swift... Isn't that her over there?" another nurse whispered, nodding her head towards her. The whole crowd of nurses slowly turned their neck to look at us. I shot them an evil stare and they all turned around. I sighed loudly. I hated the emergency room. 

"Hello. I'm Dr. Mark Andrews," a man came up to Taylor and I. We were seated in two plastic hospital chairs. Dr. Andrews had short black hair and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a long white lab coat. "Ed has a broken leg and a few broken ribs. Surprisingly he doesn't have too much external damage. Internal, we aren't quite sure. He may have internal bleeding and some brain damage... We have to do surgery."

I stood up from my spot on the hospital chairs and walked past the dark-haired doctor. I couldn't look at him. I couldn't deal with knowing that Ed was about to go into surgery and I was partly responsible for it. I looked over at Taylor who had dried tears staining her cheeks. I smiled at her slightly, shook my head, and walked away. I had to be anywhere but there. I walked past the gossiping nurses and out of the emergency room entrance.

The sun was bright outside but I didn't want to be in the general public either. I wanted to be in my bed, sleeping. I wanted this day to be a horrible nightmare that I could wake up from and never have to face again. I wanted Ed to be here, awake, unhurt, unscratched, and I wanted our love to be untainted. I wanted this all to just go away. I walked into the main hospital and walked past the reception desk. A tall security guard was speaking into a walkie talkie.

"I'll make sure there is a private room ready for Mr. Sheeran," he replied to someone talking. I walked past him, my head hung low. The hospital stunk like disinfectant, a smell I always hated. I didn't know where I was headed but maybe I would walk through a door that would make this whole mess go away. I walked through a door that turned out to be the ladies' bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror across from the door. The florescent light bulbs were far from flattering. My hair was sticking up all over the place, stuck to my forehead with sweat. My eyes were red and my cheeks were sticky with tears. I sighed, walking over to the sink and rinsing my face with cold water.

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