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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


I sat in my room sifting through my dresses, frustrated. I threw the red silky matieral of one dress across the room and picked out another dress. Ed had asked me to join him at some red carpet event for the opening of some movie. He had told me the night before and I had a mere hour to get ready.

The clothes piled around me and I sighed, pressing my forehead to my knee. If I was a girly girl who obsessed over clothes, this would be so much easier. There was a single dress hanging from my closet and I picked it off of the hanger. The fabric was silky. It was cream colored with peach colored flowers sewn on the neckline and bottom of the dress. It reminded me of something a goddess would wear. I picked the dress up in my hands delicately and wandered into the bathroom, changing into the soft fabric.

I looked into the mirror and stared at myself wide-eyed. I looked pretty with my tame hair and simple dress. I pulled on a pair of beige heels and walked into my bedroom, cleaning up the messy room.


There was a slight knock on my door and I knew it was Ed. I observed myself once more in the mirror, a smile playing on the edges of my lips. I ran a finger through my hair, tossing it over my shoulder. I carefully swiped my coral lipstick over my lips once more. This was it. I opened the door and grabbed my gold clutch.

Ed stood in front of the door. He was wearing a black suit, white button down shirt, and black tie. He was also wearing black dress shoes. His hair was still slightly messy and I could tell I was staring. I had never seen him so dressed up. He looked so handsome.

"You look amazing," Ed whispered, staring at me. His eyes ran down my dress, shocked that I was so dressed up. Ed wrapped his warm arms around me and kissed me.

"I was just thinking the same thing," I replied as Ed loosened his arms from around me. I grabbed my keys and tossed them into my bag. I locked the door behind me and Ed intertwined his fingers in mine. We walked down the steps together, my left hand in Ed's and my right hand holding the bottom end of my dress from dragging on the ground.

We made it to the first floor and there was an SUV waiting outside for us. Ed helped me into the tall black car and I kissed his stubbly cheek.

The car drifted in and out of traffic, bumping on pot holes as the city zoomed past us.

"I know," Ed began, clearing his throat, "that you aren't good with crowds. If you feel uncomfortable or nervous, just tell me and we can go, I don't have to take pictures on the red car-"

I cut him off. "I've been working on battling my fears. I'll be fine," I reassured Ed. I kissed his cheek and he squeezed my hand. "Don't worry about me."

I heard the roar of the crowd before I saw them. Groups of people lined the avenue, held back by a long silver gate. In front of the gate was a long red carpet, men dressed in tuxedos and women dressed in elegant dresses walked along the carpet as cameras flashed. I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. You'll be fine. It will fine, I reassured myself, smoothing down my hair.

A bodyguard made his way to our door, his broad tanned shoulders clothed in a grey tee. A white ear piece was in his ear, someone barking orders in his ear as he pressed a small button on the ear pierce and replied to whatever was being said.

"Affirmative. We have Ed Sheeran and a plus one," he responded. Then, to us, he said, "Hi guys. Right this way." He led us down the sidewalk and onto the red carpet. Before stepping on the red satin carpet, I inhaled deeply, closed my eyes, and let all the tention flee my body.

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