Are you okay?

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//Hi loyal readers. If you are reading this story for the first time, go back. This is not the first chapter. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and comment your predictions below!

Ed waved to the crowd, the people screaming at him lovingly as he walked off the stage. He was sweaty but he pulled me into a hug, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around. I chuckled, kissing his cheek.

"You were amazing," I said as we walked back to his dressing room, pushing away all of the thoughts that clouded my brain earlier. I didn't want to ruin Ed's happiness by being a downer.

"Thank you," he beemed, patting his leg to the beat of his song, You Need Me, I Don't Need You. "Why didn't you sit front row?"

The thoughts of those pictures flooded my memory once again. The photos of our moments, his arm around me, something that was meant just for us, taken away and displayed so publicly to face so much ridicule and questions. I tried to push it away, hide it from Ed so he wouldn't get mad or worried. I hated it when he lost that pretty smile of his. "It was just a lot of people.

He nodded, understanding that I wasn't very good with large groups of people. Ed changed into a fresh hoodie and we left the small club. People were still shuffling out the club and fans were singing Ed's song. Ed had a smile from ear to ear as he looked over at me. I smiled over at him and we got into the SVU. Ed and I decided we wanted to go to dinner at a small cafe by the hotel. We sat in silence on our way there.


The cafe was dimly lit, couples hanging around and laughing while they enjoyed their meals. Ed and I walked in, our heads hung low as we tried to stay unnoticed.

"Here is your seat," the tall, lean waiter said to us as he led us to small table in the corner of the cafe. We sat in opposite seats and picked up the tall, autumn red menus of Cafe Gisseppe. The food sounded delicious so I picked the white rice, roasted chicken, and asparagus. Ed picked some steak dish and a beer.

"You okay?" He asked between a sip of his drink. It was oddly quiet at our table. All I could think about was that photo. Ed reached out to grab my hand but I flinched as his cold fingers brushed against mine and I pulled away. He looked hurt for a moment and my lips turned down in a frown.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, wringing my hands under the table. Before I could explain myself, the food was set down on the table and we began to eat in silence.

I didn't put my hand on the table for Ed to grab, I barely looked up. We finished our meals quietly and Ed payed the bill. Because the hotel was so close, we decided to walk and hope that no one noticed Ed.

As we crossed the street, Ed interlaced his fingers with mine. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking in my eye. I felt myself crumble away with his eyes focused on me.

I looked away sheepishly as a blush set in my cheeks. It was time to tell him the truth. "Today at the show, a girl showed me pictures from last night at the bar... when we were dancing," I said, looking straight ahead, avoiding Ed's gaze. "A lot of people were saying things- some not so nice. I didn't want you to know because I didn't want you to get annoyed or whatever." I pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear and sighed, feeling like an utter idiot.

Ed stopped on the sidewalk, turning towards me. I stopped as well and looked at him. His eyes were on me and he sighed. "I hate when people take those pictures,"he admitted. "But it comes with being famous. People think they are entitled to know everything about me.They think that because I let them listen to music and go to my shows that they are entitled to my personal life. But they are not. And yet, I have no control. I hate that it happens but I get no say. I've lost friends, girlfriends because of it and it really stinks. I get close to people and they leave because of those intruders... I'm sorry those pictures got taken." He took my hand in his. "And I know what people say matters to you but they don't know you. What they say shouldn't matter. I care about you and that is all that should matter."

I nodded because I knew he was right. Ed was special and he cared about me. Those other opinions shouldn't have bothered me. In all honesty, I didn't care about what the people had to say about me. What bothered me more was the fact that my private moment had been so publicly shared and abused and that it was possible to feel so insecure because of that.

"I'm sorry it bothered me so much," I said. Ed slipped his hand in mine and kissed my cheek as we walked to the hotel. Who cared if anyone saw? It wasn't their business.

This was our moment.


We made it to our hotel room and we were still too hyped from the concert to sleep. Ed and I decided to watch a movie in my room. Ed went to his room first to take a shower and change into his pajamas. While Ed went into his room, I ordered a bunch of desert from room service. A waiter in a black suit and tie wheeled in a cart filled with plates of chocolate cake, vanilla and chocolate ice cream, and crepes- which looked like ultra thin pancakes with sweet, syrup soaked fruits. I chewed a piece of sweetened strawberry and brushed my hair with my fingers quickly, putting Shrek- Ed's favorite movie- into the dvd player. I quickly changed into black leggings and a baggy t-shirt.

There was a knock on the door so I skipped to the door and pulled it open. Ed stood in the door way, the tips of his hair damp from his shower. He was wearing red and green flannel pajama pants and a red sweater. He looked like a little kid ready for naptime. He came into the room and scanned the plates filled with the sweet desserts.

"How did you know I love sweet stuff?" He asked, picking up a bowl of vanilla ice cream with a plate of chocolate cake, digging into the messy dessert. I laughed as I picked up the fruit crepe, turned on the movie. Ed and I sat on the bed, eating the sweet dishes until we felt brain freezes set in and our stomaches were filled. Then, we laid down and watched the movie. Eventually, around the part Shrek discovered Fionna was an ogre at her wedding with the ugly prince, we fell asleep.

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