Tattoos and Parents

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Enjoy this early chapter. I'll update when I get to either 850 reads or on Friday. Let's aim for at least 850 views soon because the next chapter is going to get intense and this is when things really start to get interesting. Enjoy!


When I say Ed's arm looked like a children's coloring book, I am not exaggerating. He had tattoos up his arms in bright colors. He treated his skin like an empty drawing pad, ready for him to draw his wishes all over it. It was an ordinary day when we packed our bags and headed to his home... England.


"You'll love it," he reassured me as we started to fold clothes and pack them away. I needed no reassuring. I knew I would love it. "Sure, it isn't the warmest place but it's nice." Ed scratched his forehead absentmindedly as he though of something.

I shut my suitcase and dragged it to the car waiting downstairs. Three nights before, the paparazzi had caught us leaving the opening of The Hobbit and discovered where I lived and since then, they were nestled on the sidewalk outside, but not crowding me. I nodded at them as they snapped a few pictures. I tossed my bag into the trunk and walked back upstairs.

Ed had just finished packing his bags. I could tell he was nervous about something because he was quiet, too quiet. With us, we always had something to talk about but when it was silent, it was comfortable and happy silence. This silence was nervous and worried. It made my hands clam up, my forehead sweat, and my teeth chatter slightly as if the silence was a coldness running down my neck.

We walked downstairs and Ed wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. Paparazzi snapped their pictures but we just headed into the car. Ed seemed out of it, in a daze.

"You okay?" I asked him, peaking at him as the car pulled forward.

I saw him sigh and scratch the back of his neck nervously. "I really hope you like my parents," he admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "They can be a bit over-protective and weird but they mean well. I love you and I love them and I just want you all to get along."

I smiled at him, laughing quietly. He had absolutely no reason to worry. If his parents were anything like Ed, I would adore them. I kissed his cheek and laughed. "Stop worrying." He relaxed, sighing and smiling at me.

My phone began to buzz in my lap so I lifted it up and pressed the green button. I recognized the voice instantly. "So, you are going to London with Ed?" my mother spat into the phone. Her words were slurred and I knew she was drunk. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "He's going to leave you. I hope he does."

I looked at Ed, ready to scream at my mother. I felt all my strength crumble to dust as I began to cry quietly. Ed looked alarmed but I shook my head, my tears turning to laughter. "You know what, if the only reason you want to call is to knock me down, don't bother calling me. I am done. Have a good life mom," I said, shaking my head as I ended the call.

I turned my head towards the window, pressing my forehead against the cold glass, closing my eyes. The windows fogged up as I breathed deeply, in and out, trying to relax the messy thoughts clouding my brain. Things were going great, wonderful in fact. Her petiness would not ruin this vacation for me. I would be happy, even if I had to force a smile.

"I'm a mess right now," I whispered, wiping a tear from my cheek. I felt Ed's arm around my shoulder as he pulled me into a hug. He held me in his arms and I pressed my forehead on his chest, trying to control the rage that coursed through my veins. I shook my head from side to side, angry. My mother was a petty woman that knew how to manipulate people. She knew that digging her way into my life and slowly knocking me down was easy. But I was done with her and her hateful ways. I was done watching my back with my own parents. I sighed and looked up at Ed. He was looking down at me with concern-filled eyes.

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