The Day After

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//Hey everyone. I decided to update this again. In a few chapters, I think there is going to start to be more action and drama. If you want to give ideas or predict what's going to happen, comment below! Enjoy. -Alyssa//

The next morning I awoke at around 10 am, the sun flooding through the balcony doors. I yawned and stood up from the bed, tired because I had barely slept. All I could think about was that kiss. There was a note slipped under the door, the handwriting slanted slightly, the messy handwriting that Ed had.

Meet me at breakfast at 10:30. -xx

There was a smiley face at the end, as if Ed's everlasting smile had somehow found a way to glue itself to this plain white stationery. I smiled to myself, placing the piece of paper on the bed side table and walked to the bathroom. I switched the faucet on, splashing my face with cold water to try and wake myself up. I looked at my face in the mirror. My skin was tan, my cheeks rosy and my hair neat. It was as if Ed's kiss had not only changed how I felt but how I looked, making me brighter and happier.

I quickly changed into a pair of plain black leggings and a black t-shirt. The security guard from yesterday waved at me as I left the room and I waved back as I entered the elevator. The metallic doors shut and I pressed the 3 button. The third floor had a little diner there that served breakfast from 9 to 11:30 in the morning. The doors opened to the third floor and a woman with short pink hair stepped onto the elevator. She smiled at me, her eyes sparkling behind her huge glasses. I returned the smile and walked out onto the third floor and into the diner.

The floors were wood, the color of dry tree bark in the fall. Windows lined two of the walls, bright sunlight filling the room with the beautiful streets of France. The diner was filled with a few people chomping away at food. In the corner, looking out the window and sitting at one of the magnificent mahogany tables, sat a boy with flaming hair. I smiled at the sight of him and made my way to the table.

"Well good morning Mr. Sheeran," I smiled as I sat across from him. On the table were plates of fresh pancakes, toast, eggs, french toast, and omelets of all sorts. "Well, someone is hungry," I joked.

Ed looked down at the table, laughing to himself. "I didn't know what you wanted," he admitted. I took a plate of pancakes, drowning it in syrup and began to eat it. I gave Ed a thumbs up, trying to tell him that it was delicious.

We sat in silence for a little while, busy eating the delicious foods set on the table and sipping coffee- or in my case, orange juice. Ed peaked over at me when my head was turned towards the window, enjoying the view as I finished off a piece of toast.

"I have a gig today at a small bar. Would you like to come?" Ed asked, folding his hands under his chin. The offer was too amazing to let slip away. Ed had a power when he performed, casting a spell over the screaming audience. He could take hold of a room and command them to do whatever he wanted- scream, cry, or just sit quietly as he sang the lyrics to a soft song. He knew how to make people happy and the crowd supplied him with the energy and happiness that wafted off of them.

"I would love to!" I answered, drinking the rest of my orange juice. 


After getting ready in my room, I met Ed in the lobby. He was wearing a hoodie and jeans. We left the hotel and made our way to Mystic, a small bar and grill a few blocks from the hotel. There was a line of people lining the tall white building. They screamed loudly as the black SUV we were in drove past, going through the back entrance. Ed smiled and waved at the girls screaming at him, wanting to catch his attention. As they saw the faint outline of his hand and hair through the tinted windows, many began to cry or just stand in utter disbelief at the thought of Ed acknowledging their existence.

Afire Love// ed sheeranWhere stories live. Discover now