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cutie pie

warning: i am a perfectionist who loves giving advice, so please do not let my advice overwhelm you! i simply write a lot because i want to be as helpful as possible and get my points across clearly. in addition, i'm LOOKING for issues in your writing. that's the point of these reviews, so don't feel bad if i have a lot of notes <3


drapetomani | KittyKat014773

- aesthetic! okay just first note: the cover? the fonts? the little symbols? i love it it's all SO cute and makes your book appear AWESOME which is very important if you're looking to get people to see your book and want to read it

- PLOT oh my god. i absolutely LOVE how you ingrained the story into civil war! i only read the first three chapters (prologue, longing, rusted), but i adore how she's best friends with sharon and peggy is like a mother to her and UGH. yes. 

- formatting... i admire so so much that your story isn't just dialogue. there is so much detail and action, but that being said, it can get a bit overwhelming. when you write a story (or even just a scene) with little dialogue, it's easy to just write paragraphs upon paragraphs. try to get a better mix of story and dialogue, or at least separate your paragraphs a bit more so the entire chapter doesn't look the same. and adding onto that...

- it's the little things. it gets so SO easy to go off on tangents about certain topics. i think you did a pretty good job with keeping on track, but i think there were a few small moments in which there were some details that took away from the main point of the story/scene. this is an easy fix in editing; as you read, just make sure to remind yourself of the end goal of what your writing and ask yourself about certain parts: is this important to the story? did i get too caught up in a subject that doesn't contribute to an ultimate goal or plotline?

- space it out! this also pertains to the information within your story. you did a great job keeping elements of mystery in there, so honestly this note can be taken very lightly because it was just a mere thought i had. write in a way that spaces out information. this info can be about characters, events, background info, etc. make it so that you don't know everything from the get-go. let the reader learn more about the characters as they read rather than handing the info to them. this definitely contributes to making your story more enticing :)

- WOW. bruh your writing slaps. i LOVE the way you'd describe things, the relationship between her and bucky... everything. you're an incredible author and know how to write captivatingly!!

i'm not gonna do a rewrite, because quite honestly your notes pertained to the formatting and story-telling, not specifically your writing abilities!

don't go series (acapella, glitter and gold, reason) | KittyKat014773
quick IMPORTANT note on this: i only read the first and last chapter of each book in order to both get the best idea of the plot and characters as possible and to really just to see the progression of your writing!

- transcription!
i think you did an AMAZING job writing out the whole montage that's at the beginning of homecoming, all the way from the video diary to when peter's dropped off at his apartment. a note though: if we're reading peter parker fanfic, it's very likely that we've already seen the movie and know these parts by heart. instead, start your movie off with a small and simply recap of everything and jump into the story that you created-- that'll give your story enough background info and save time from just writing out basically an entire scene from a movie that most of us have already seen. adds to the flow!

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