first day

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I was called  a week after ,to join a movie named splitting Adam.
It is about a boy named Adam ,who finds a cloning machine thinking he found the solution to all life's problems. He then clones himself , his life then starts spinning out of control, he must now race to put his right self back together.

In this movie I will be playing Adam's love interest . I'm really excited for my first movie .
I wasn't told who will be in the movie , however,I received a part of my script ,I have an entire week to go over the script.

With that being said, I hardly have time so I will try my best .So I grabbed my brother and told him to go over the lines with me .
I will do that as long as it takes ,I need to get it right.
Even though I'm excited I can't help the feeling in my stomach.I have a really bad feeling about this and I don't know why.

Do y'all know why she feels this way😂?

It Started With A Hello||Jace Norman Story🖤Where stories live. Discover now