two days after Molly's heart break

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Jace: babe please talk to me

Molly: leave me alone

Jace:  but I Miss you

Molly: and your telling me this because

Jace: I really like you I just thought that I'm luck to have met a girl like you who is funny and beautiful who makes me happy even when am not knowing about my shows I thought that was a bonus.

Molly: I like you but that trust can never be restored.

Jace: please I miss you

Molly: I don't care .good bye a have to go to practice.

Jace: what kind of practice?

Molly: don't you have a movie to film or red carpet party to attend?

Jace: :-[

Molly: what's your full name?

Jace: jace norman hbu?

Molly: Molina Johnson

Jace: what beautiful name

Molly: okay gotta go

How  does molina norman sound ppl .tell me what you think about this couple and this story

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