"It's going to be a long ride, so get comfortable." he said as we ride into the unknown.


I'm in a forest again, but this time, it seems familiar. I sense something behind me, trying to sneak up on me. I'm not afraid of it, so I turn around.

It wasn't the same eyes as before.

No, those eyes did not belong to a wolf that I now know of. This is a snake.

It comes slithering out of the shadows and just stares at me. It is green, just like the one in the garden that night. Can it be?

"Hello, Danielle." The snake hissed a greeting.

I turn around and start running away from it as fast as I could. Tears fills my eyes, making my vision blurry. I trip in front of the same cave as before, but unlike my first dream, I did not fall into darkness.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" I yelled, but no one answered.

I'm alone again... always alone...


I jolt up out of my sleep. I look around to see that we are still in the carriage. I see Jake sitting across from me with a worried expression.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked.

I rub my eyes from sleep and the dream. I look around a bit longer before saying something.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked instead of answering his question.

"A couple of hours." Jake said. "We should get reach to where we are going in 2 more minutes or at least that's what our escort said. Now, are you ok?"

I look out the window. I can see that we are almost to a bridge that connects to a big castle

"I'm fine." I mumbled, still getting the sleep out of me. "Just a bad dream."

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?"


I look out the window again. We are on the bridge now, surrounded by water. It must be a lake, how odd.

"You sure?" Jake asked again.

I turn to him for a moment, seeing that he has a worried expression on his face. Always so worried about me.

"Yes, Jake. I'm sure."

Before he can ask again, I feel the carriage stopping. The man who drove us opens the door. When the door opened, it reveals the big castle that I saw earlier. I immediately get out of the carriage. I feel my empty stomach growling for attention, wanting something to eat. I only realize it now that I am starving. Before I can voice anything, I see a short chubby man coming towards Jake and me.

"Lady Danielle, Lord Jake," the man said with a bow to us. "I welcome you both. Please, follow me"

We follow the man inside the castle, and all I can say is:


"Oh my God, this is incredible." Jake said in awe.

I couldn't say anything because, well, I'm speechless...

"You will get used to it over time." The man said. "Now, come, come. I have to show you to your rooms."

We follow the man further into the castle. On our little walk, I found out that the man who is leading us is named Aragon. A very strange name but okay...

"Lord Jake, this is where you will be staying." Aragon said.

Aragon opens a door. Wanting to look inside, I am blown away by the room. This room seems so much bigger than our house. Not that our house was big to begin with but still.

"I understand that you would like to keep an eye on your sister, Lord Jake," Aragon said, "so Lady Danielle's room will be right across from yours."

He points to the door across from Jake's room. I didn't mind. I don't want to be too far away from Jake anyways. Curious, I go to open my door to my room and again:


"I will let both of you to get settled in. Once when you are ready, please go back downstairs the way you came from. I will be there waiting."

Once Aragon leaves, people come up with our things and put them in our rooms. I guess there is only one thing to do and that is to get settled. I go into my room and try to decide where to start. I can hear Jake behind me. I look over my shoulder to see Jake leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"I'm guessing he's going to give us a tour later." I said, feeling giddy now. "I'm excited."

"Are you kidding, Danielle?" Jake said in surprised. "You were the one who didn't want to come."

"Yes," I trailed off, "but I'm embracing it now."

I take my things and put them by my bed. I go back to the door ready to close it. Jake takes a hint and steps away from the doorway.

"Besides," I said, "what can go wrong?"

And with that, I close the door.

Written By: Dan

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