Chapter 1: Taking First Step

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Fifteen year old, Nikki Young rested her head over the taxi's window. Breathing the stale cigarette smoke that clings all over the leather seat, her mind were wondering the same thing over and over again, how did they find them?

Closing her eyes for the nth time, Aunt Trina's bloody face greeted her once again. Like a broken film, it never stopped appearing. And Nikki knows that this night's tragedy will follow her for eternity as long as she breaths. A nightmare that she will never wake up from no matter how she wishes to...

Straightening her back, she let her mind shift away from her Aunt's gruesome death. But with a heavy breath, another thought plagued her again. It seems running away was what she had been doing ever since she could remember. When her mother was killed last year by the same group of people she also ran with her tail between her legs. A coward way out, she knows. But she doesn't have a choice. They were people she can't win against, even she fight till her last breath. To accomplished everything her mother had asked her in her dying breathe, she needed to be ruthless even to her own self.

Though, watching the people she loved died one by one always kill a part of herself. Nikki doesn't have a choice but to grit her teeth and bear with the pain.

Her melancholic reminiscing of the past were suddenly cut off when the taxi suddenly stop. With hurried movement she step out of the vehicle and without looking back run inside the building in front of her...

Stopping, she took a shuddering breath.

Airports still make her uncomfortable, even after being in a lot number of them for the past few years. There's a lot of people to keep eye on, and having falsified documents doesn't help either. It's always risky. She knew that she can trust her contacts, but it's still make her on edge. Breathing deeply, she grit her teeth and take a step forward. Nothing will happen if she stop moving now. For her plans, she needs to bear the unbearable. Walking towards the reception area, she let her first step for revenge takes place...


"You have to come." Jena pleads with her shrilly voice. Honestly, Caleb Knight don't know what he saw in her but apparently she was that good even if a bit annoying. "I know that you are probably so busy with the Student Council, the team or whatever but without the crew the party will be boring without you guys there."

"You already know that I don't have the time, so why insist?" His voice were dripping with so much sarcasm, Caleb knew she'd be too dumb to not notice.

"Ugh," she hisses shoving her tits in front of Caleb's face. "When did you become such an ass.."

Apparently, she's that dumb. He can feel his eyes turning more sharper from his growing annoyance. Lowering the book he was reading, he snap his head her way and gave her a narrowed look. "I won't repeat myself. So back off.."

Caleb can see she wanted to retaliate. To talk back. And he was waiting for it. She was a good lay, and he's been waiting for a reason to dump her but she's so persistent, he's having a hard time cutting ties with her.

"Ugh.. Fine. Do whatever you want. " With a heavy grunt she stomp away.

And there it goes again. Sometimes Caleb can't decide if Jena is truly an idiotic girl, or an incredibly cunning woman. It seems she knows when to push or pull away from different situations. But he knew that sooner than later he really needs to break up with her. This relationship had become such a pain in his ass for a while now.

"You're really not going?" Caleb's inner musings were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

With a raise brow he looked at the person who just came in. "And what's it to you?"

"Just now. That's Jena right? I thought you already break up with her?"

With a sigh he took his book and started reading where he'd left of. He didn't said anything else, disregarding the person who just came in.

Rey Valerde's mouth twitch with the blatant display of Caleb's arrogance. He's been like this ever since they were little. Caleb as the sole heir of the Knights, the wealthiest family all over America, had been always arrogant. Well, growing up with that kind of family, anyone would end up like him. Not that he'd been spoiled since he was little. On contrary, anything he wished to have he always work hard for it. That's why he's arrogant. Because he knew what he wanted to obtain, he would always get it in the end. That's how hard working he is.

But disregarding his best friend of ten years.. Things no matter how long still remains unchanged.

"Geez man. I'm not feeling the love. How can you be so cruel to your one and only best friend?"

Still no answer.

With growing bitterness, Rey step inside the door and close the door behind him. His facial expression changing as he came near his friend.

"You should know why I'm here."

Finally, he heard a curt reply. "Knowing you, I could guess."

It seems after all this year there's still no trust between them. With a heavy sigh, Rey throw a brown envelope in front of Caleb. Even feeling smug with his cool attitude. "Look into that and you will know."

Throwing his muscular body in the chair in front of his friend's table, he smirk at Caleb, clearly enjoying his friend's sudden interest.

Placing his book on the side. He take the brown envelope with sudden interest. Brows rising, Rey can see Caleb's hands started shaking. His smirk were now gone. Rey slowly stood up and started walking and stop beside his friend.


"Is this true... but how?? What the hell happened??!!!"

Rey is expecting that he would react this way. But he's not expecting to see the arrogant Caleb to look so broken with the news he'd brought.

"I'm sorry Cal, but I did everything I could. Sadly it's already too late. When I found her, she's already dead..."


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