Love Story

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Eliot couldn't help but gasp when Quentin came down the stairs. It was a very cliche moment, which Margo acknowledged with a glaring look, but Eliot was living for it.

"Eliot stop staring I just got new clothes!"

That suddenly made Eliot very nervous. This really means a lot to him.

"Of course Q, you got new clothes."

Quentin stepped right up in front of him, he was adorably intimidating.

"I may or may not have have gotten help."

"I'll take your word for it." and he pulled him up towards his chest. He loved how Quentin seemed to fit perfectly under his chin. "Now let's go before Bambi throws up in her mouth."

She snorted from across the room.

The stepped through the portal into downtown Manhattan. Eliot jokingly apologized for not laying out roses by the entrance, it made Quentin laugh.

"So where are we going?"

"It's this little place Margo would take me when we were freshman. It's stupid but I remember being so baffled by the city."

"Wait you didn't go here for undergrad?"

"No, and I only went for a few semesters of college anyway."

"But your so.."

"So what?"

"Smart. Your a fucking genius, how did you not go to college?"

Eliot's face soured, it made Quentin wince. As far as secrets went this wasn't an insane one, after all he knew about Logan.

"So where I grew up, how I grew up? College wasn't really a possibility just.. Before I got kicked out..I grew up on a farm, in Indiana. " He shuddered at the word.

There was a tense moment of silence before Quentin doubled over laughing.

"I'm sorry but that was your terrible secret? You didn't go to college? That you're from indiana ?"

"Yes, because it's atrocious. I'm lucky to have made it out alive, and I was able to pay my way through a few semesters of college, at least the stuff I couldn't teach myself. Indiana farm life is far more terrible than you'd think, you perfect, privileged city boy."

"City boy huh?"

"Oh if my father saw you he'd be livid. Doubt you even know what the FFA is."

"Well at least I know, "Quentin said reaching up to brush a curl from Eliot's face, "Your perfect in every way . And you know what the hell FFA means."

Eliot wondered what he had done to deserve him, and wished he was more sober than he was.

"Now come on I'm starved."

Eliot grabbed Quentin's hand and they started towards the restaurant, he could see Q blushing furiously as he did so.

"You okay Q?"

Embarrassed, "Yeah I've just never held hand with anyone like, in public. Outside the wards I mean."

"How could I not let everyone know what a beautiful man I have the privilege of being with." A few moments later he added, "And your safe Quentin."

They came upon the place, Eliot had called ahead.

"Does it look nicer than the Olive Garden?"

"Alice told you about that?"

"Please Q, I give that girl a sip of sherry and she tells me how she lost her virginity. I'm not mad, it's kinda adorable."

He saw panic flash across Quentins face before it settled again into a smile, it made Eliot wary, but he chose not to overthink it.

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