Holiday Traditions!

Start from the beginning

I follow him over there and look at the tree. The back half of the tree has almost no leafs/needles.

"Let's not," Aaliyah laughs.

We continue to walk around for a while and it starts to get a lot colder.

My teeth start to chatter and Shawn raises an eyebrow while looking at me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I affirm. "I'm just a little cold."

"Are you too cold? Do you need to go back?" he asks worriedly.

"No, I'm fine," I promise him.

"No you aren't," he chuckles.

He walks over to me and hugs me, which instantly warms me up. I hug him back without hesitating and rest my head on his chest.

"Aaliyah, do you think you can try to look around for a good tree? Lexie is freezing and I have to keep her warm," Shawn explains.

"Yeah, I won't go too far though. I don't want to get kidnapped," she giggles.

"Don't worry, if you did they'd bring you right back," he points out.

"Shut up," Aaliyah rolls her eyes but she goes and looks around.

"Why do you get so cold every time you come here?" Shawn snickers.

"I get cold easily," I chatter. "I guess I'm just cold hearted." (authors note: I'm so punny😂👌)

"I'm pretty sure they have hot coco here so we can get some after we cut down the tree," he assures me.

"Okay," I shiver. Hot chocolate sounds really good right now. "Thanks, Shawn."

"For what?" he asks while looking down at me so I can see his big brown eyes.

"Everything," I smile.

"It's nothing really," he insists. "Are you still cold?"

"Yeah," I answer.

"Here you go," he smiles before taking off his beanie and placing it on my head.

"No, now you'll be cold!" I frown.

"I'm not that cold, trust me," he promises.

"Okay," I give in while holding him closer.

"Guys, I found the perfect tree!" Aaliyah squeals while running over to us.

"Lead the way!" I exclaim while moving away from Shawn's embrace and following her.

"Here it is," she shows us. I look at the tree and see that it's pretty tall and full.

"That looks good," Shawn finally says. "What do you think about it, Lex?"

"I think it looks good," I agree. "Can we cut it down now and then take it back to your house?"

"Sure. I'll saw it and you and Aaliyah can hold it so it doesn't fall on me," he explains. "I don't trust Aaliyah with the saw anyways."

"Hey!" Aaliyah snaps.

"C'mon," I laugh. "Let's just get the tree."

After a while of cutting the tree, we finish and then take it back to the farm.

"They'll just touch it up and wrap it so we can take it home," Shawn informs me. "We can go and get the hot chocolate now, though. They'll come tell us if they finish early."

"Okay," I nod. "I'm definitely ready for some hot chocolate."

We walk over to a barn and there's a a pot of the drink.

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now