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The following morning, I was awaken by the sound of a Skype call coming through on my laptop. I quickly sat up to see what time it was and who it could be.

I hoped it wasn't Mandy.

Squinting to see the time on the taskbar of my computer, I saw that it was 7:58 a.m.

On the screen it said, incoming call from Mom.

With a sigh of relief, I answered it.

"Good morning, Mom. How's everything going? Is it done?"

"Good morning to you, too. Straight to the point, as usual, I see. That's where you're just like your dad," Mom replied with a laugh.

"So, yesterday, we went to see Julie. Remember her?" Mom continued.

"Your therapist friend, yeah."

"Exactly. We talked about you and your situation for a while and she did me a favor. She wrote a recommendation letter on your behalf. We then took that and a letter from doctor Zara to the courthouse and filled name change paperwork. We also had a meeting with Principal Hoover."

"And what happened?"

"Well, after carefully explaining your situation and telling him how you were getting a legal name change, he agreed to alter your school records to reflect your new name and corrected your sex to female before sending the records to the homeschool organization."

"Yay, you rock, mom. So my name change is official?"

"Legally, not yet. The paperwork processing takes time. They'll send it to us when it's complete. But at least you'll get to start school with them only knowing you as Carla Rose O'Reilly, a beautiful young lady."

"Yay! . . . How's dad doing?"

"We had a long talk on the flight over and he just wants you to be happy, sweetheart. Whatever it takes. Any apprehension he may have is him wanting to make sure you aren't making any decisions you'll regret later."

"Yeah, I get it. It's just that I think he'd really rather- . . . Oh guess what . . . I got my ears pierced." I excitedly announced, changing the subject and simultaneously switched the call to video. "See."

Pushing my hair back behind both ears, I turned my head left, then right so mom could get a good a good look at my piercings.

"My, my, look at that, you did! I'm happy for you. And they look so precious on you. How does it make you feel?"

"Extra feminine and very pretty."

"You went for the diamonds, I see. They're not real, are they."

"Yeah, but they're tiny, so they didn't cost that much. Besides, these were Beck's idea and she paid for them." I picked up my other pair of earrings and held them up. "These are the one I bought."

"Those are cute, too. Now, Carla, don't be letting Beck spend a bunch of money on you. We're not poor and don't need charity."

"I know mom. She's very insistent though. I try to tell her no, but she does it anyway."

"I see you got a pair of pumps, too. What are those, three inch heels."

"How did you kn---"

Remembering I had put those shoes on the display shelf on the wall behind me, I looked around at them. "Yeah. I really like them."

"What else did you find at the mall?"

I then began to tell her all about the things I bought and everything Beck insisted on buying for me. I even pulled each piece out of the closet and held it up against my body to show it to her as I excitedly told her all about each one.

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun with Beck and you're moving rather quickly towards embracing your femininity. I'm impressed and proud of you, princess," mom replied. "So, what are your plans for today?"

"My motorbike riding outfit is too small, so I wanna go see if I can find a new one, in a cute, girl's style. The rest of the day, I dunno. Knowing Beck, I think she's probably planning more of the same as yesterday. She did say something about makeovers."

"Oh, that'll be a fun experience for you. Make sure you pay close attention and ask questions. I kinda wish I could be there to go with you for your first time, but that's okay. Go ahead and have fun. Pay attention to everything they do and take mental notes. You could learn a lot. Make sure you have them write down your colors too? We love you. Tell Dave we send him our love, too."

"I will. Love you, mom. Bye."

I felt an excitement inside me as I hung up the phone. This was great news. Now, absolutely no one at my new school will ever know I once lived as a boy.

At that moment, another call came in. This time it was Mandy.

I know I should have answered it, but I absolutely wasn't ready to talk to Mandy, so, yet again, I ignored the call.

Once it stopped ringing I closed my laptop, gathered a pair of panties and a matching bra, then spent a few minutes in front of my closet, contemplating what I wanted to wear today, before heading for a shower.

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