Rule 1: Your story is who you decided to be

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I looked at the rule book. Maybe this would help. I tried opening the cover but to no avail. It doesn't seem to open. Just as I was to give up, something shimmery caught my eyes.  On the cover of the rule book wrote "Your story is who you decided to be" in a small, barely visible typewriter font.

Who I decided to be? An author? That would be so cool! I can write millions of fantasy, of sci-fi and works of the next Roald Dahl! I really can't wait to read my story! 

Without further ado, I opened up the thick booklet that that over-nutritioned guy gave me. Large, glaring words in bold print stared straight into my eyes. "The story of Irresponsibility". 

What?! I'm not irresponsible! The teacher was just unreasonable! Plus, I was just trying to do it up with quality, unlike the rest of the class who scribbled 698 pages away and I finished 699 pages! Can't she just let me off with one page?

It just goes to show how unforgiving this world is.

I was so pissed I decided not to read on. It was later in the day when I found out not reading my story was part of my irresponsibility. But-

Man, I'm already hating this. I read up tomorrow's story and found out that I would have to go to Dystopian High School without wearing the school uniform, bringing my stationeries, and notebooks. How irresponsible of me.

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