
25 4 4

"You are going against the rules!",  "You are defying the laws!", "You aren't allowed to do that!", "No one said you could do it!" Those were the last phrases I managed to pick out among the cacaphony of protesters before The Injection.

Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Alna and I'm from the Planet of Central East And South Republic Toneless Humanation. Long name for a planet, ya? People call it the Earth for short. The Earth is the centre of two exagerated worlds: Planet Utopia and Planet Dystopia. Good guys would be silently brought to Planet Utopia during bedtime, while bad guys would be injected and teleported to Planet Dystopia.

No, don't get me wrong. I didn't rob the bank or stole a golden amulet or anything of that sort. All I did was not handing in my homework because I had to complete 700 theory pages within a day! And that 24 hours excludes the 8 hours of school and 5 hours of compulsury  extra ciriculumm hours!

The other kids in school are lucky, most of them just live five minutes from school. I, on the other hand, live on the other side of town and needs another 3 hours of travel time. Belonging to a town where the transportations are really expensive, I walk home which takes me more than 5 hours.

8 hours to complete my theory pages is definitely possible but must I starve myself to death? Must I smell like a muddied pig and go to school with panda eyes?

No one cares to listen to my side of the story.

Knock knock!

The hard wooden door, also known to me as the jail gates, sounded.

"Little irresponsible girl! Here's your story and the rules booklet!" A bulky old man have just entered my cell. He threw two dictionary sized booklets on the ground and the loud thud scared me.

"Story? What story?" I enquired curiously.

Little did I know he had already took his leave.

dystopian high schoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon