"Definitely, I've been working on my lip sync battle performance." He told me and my eyes widening. He chuckled at my reaction.

"No way! You're doing that" I asked him in total shock.  He nodded and I still couldn't believe him, "Wait actually?"

"Yes, Love, can you not see me doing that?" Tom asked, a smile playing on his face.

"Well honestly no, no I can't." I told him as I put a grape in my mouth.

"You're in for a treat, darling. It's going to be great."

"Tom, you're actually doing it?" i asked in disbelief. I just couldn't see him on stage lip syncing like what song would he even do. If i did it, I'd end up lip syncing to baby shark because kid songs are literary the only songs I know.

"Why is it so hard to believe?"

"I don't know, I never saw you as a person that would do that I guess."

"I'm full of surprises, darling. I also have a few teachers that will be dancing on stage with me." Tom informed me as he snapped his fingers at some kids who were starting to get a little loud with their side conversations.

"Oh my goodness, Tom!" I hit his arm, and he chuckled, "Tom, you actually convinced people to do this?How? Actually no- why was I not asked to be in it?" I asked him pretending to be offended.

"I want to see your reaction, I'd rather have you down there, cheering me on." He explained to me while putting his arm around me and gave me a slight squeeze. I immediately looked down to hide my blushing face.


The video was finally over, just in time. The dismissal bell was about to ring so Tom took his class back so they could grab their stuff. My class did the same thing, they rushed to pack their things and I handed out a reminder about show and tell. Monday was going to be their first show and tell and I was so excited to know more about them.

"When you are done please come line up by the door." I told them and some came rushing, hoping to be first in line. By the time the bell rang they were all by the door and we walked out at the same time as Toms class.

"Miss Downey, look." Haisel said to me. "We're waddling like penguins." She giggled.

"Wow, Haisel, that looks so fun, I think I'll join you guys." i said as I began to waddle with them and soon everyone joined in and both classes waddled to the parent pick-up area. Tom and I said bye to them and we walked back to our classes together. My shoulder touching his arm slightly and are hands brushed against each other every once in a while. The silence was comfortable and we waked slower that usual.

"What are you doing tomorrow night, Rosalie?" Tom broke the silence first to ask a question that turned my cheeks a bright red.

"My dad wants to meet with me, I'm having dinner with him." Toms face had a small frown and he looked down at me. Tom stopped walking and faced me, he moved a strand a had I had on my face and tucked it behind me ear. I could feel the heat in on my face.

"oh, I was hoping to ask you out for dinner, take a break from all the work stuff and have a drink." He said to me. "I had been meaning to ask you."

"Tom, I'm sorry, I can reschedule with my dad, I'm-" Tom cut me off and put his hand on the small of my back so we could start walking again and he lead me into my classroom.

"No, Rosalie, I could never allow you to cancel on family, they come first." he smiled down at me. "But i would still like to go out with you some day. If you'd like, of  course."

'I would love to, It'll be fun." I told him as I made me way to my desk to start on weekly updates to send out to parents. I expected a response from him but after not hearing him say anything, I looked up and he was staring at me. His beautiful eyes were looking into mine and we stayed like that for a while, just staring into each other, I wonder what he's thinking.

"Miss Downey, have I ever told you how beautiful I think you are?" he asked me leaning on the door with a smirk on his lips. The familiar rush of heat crept onto my cheeks. I tried to play it cool although I was freaking out in the inside.

"Well if a recall correctly, you've said that I looked great or something along those lines." I returned a smile at him. He made his way over me and once he was in front me he leaned down so his mouth was by my ear, his hands went to the arm rest of my chair. For a second, I had no control of my hands and they went to Toms arm, I felt his muscular arms and my stomach got butterflies.

"Well darling, you look beautiful." he whispered, his breath tickling me a bit.

"Thank you." My voice was barely audible, it came out shaky more than anything and he smirked, knowing the affect he just had on me. He pulled away from and he made his way to the door. "Have a good rest of your day, Miss Downey, I'll have my half of the newsletter ready for you at the end of the day." and with that he left my room, leaving me breathless on my chair. My heart was beating fast and I was trying to catch me breath. My mind was racing with questions. After a few minutes of me getting myself together. I got up from my chair, picked up my stuff and walked out of the classroom making sure I locked the door. I quickly walked to my car, and saw Tom about to get into his but noticed my presence and gave me a wink then got into his car.

After a short car ride home, i changed into comfortable clothes and went to my small office and worked on emails for parents and did my half of the news letter, taking snack breaks in between. even though I had lots to do the day went by quickly and soon I was inserting Toms newsletter and sending it out to parents.


I was getting read for dinner with my dad, I had about 20 minutes before I had to leave so I just chilled in my living room scrolling through pinterest looking at activities for the kids for a while before I got up and headed to the restaurant my dad had picked out. of course, it was fancy, my dad always chose the fanciest restaurants. I told the host that I was here for Stark and he lead me to a table at the back at restaurant. I saw my dad and he stood up from my seat and opened his arms for me to hug him. I barely saw my dad, he was a successful business man and owned his own Tech company, the plan was for me to work there and eventually take over but that path wasn't for me, he didn't mind though, as long as i was happy.

"Sweetheart, how have you been? It's been a while." he told me as we both sat down and he poured a glass of wine for me. i thanked him before responding.

"yeah, it has a few texts a week isn't enough." I never resented my dad for not being around often, I knew he was busy and if he had time he was always at home with me and my mom, and he never missed a holiday, no matter how small.

"tell me, hows your job going?" he asked as he picked up the menu.

"Good, I'm loving it, its  everything i ever dreamed and better. The children are great, my team is fantastic." He looked up at me and chuckled.

"I love how when you talk about teaching your eyes shine with happiness and you get the biggest smile on your face, its been like that since you found out what a teacher was."  he laughed. "Tell me about your team, you've mentioned good things about this Tom person over text."

I blushed, remembering what happened Friday. I couldn't wait to see him. I didn't realize I was daydreaming until my dad snapped me out of it. "Oh no Rosalie, I know that look." he sighed. "Having romantic feelings for a coworker never ends well."

"You and mom ended well." I argued and smirked because he knew I was right.

"Okay, yes, but most don't. Rosalie you're finally were you want to be, don't screw this up just  because a guy is cute." My dad and I have always been close and he never thought twice about telling me what he thought and I was always thankful for that.

"I know daddy, right now I don't even know how he feels." I told him truthfully.

"Well, honey, whatever happens, just make sure you're thinking with your head not just with your heart."

After that conversation, we talked about random things, whatever popped into our heads. It was always great when I was with him. I wish we could spend more time together.


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