♡ Angel!MC X Lucio - Wings ♡

Começar do início

When MC exhaled and looked up directly at Lucio, their face was calm, a smile eerily on their lips.

"Lucio, darling, what is it that you so desperately needed my attention for?" They asked, their voice sickeningly sweet and polite.

Lucio swallowed thickly, unsure of what to do now that he finally had their attention, knowing full well that he should choose his next words carefully lest he suffer an irritated MC's rath.

"You've been working really hard, MC, I think you deserve a break," he offered, slowly walking closer until he was standing beside them.

He wrapped his arm around their shoulders and pulled them in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I was annoying you. I just wanted your attention because you've had your nose buried in books and research all week. I miiisss you~" He mumbled into their neck.

MC wrapped their arms around him and exhaled deeply as they buried their face in the crook of Lucio's neck.

"You're right, I'm sorry I lost my cool. And I'm sorry I haven't been paying much attention to you too. You've been sitting in the library with me pretty much all week. Why don't we go do something you want to do?" MC apologized.

Lucio quickly pulled away, a childish grin on his face.

"Really?!" He asked.

"Really," MC nodded. 

"Ok!" Lucio exclaimed. "Let's go out for a ride then? I look so majestic on my horse,"

MC laughed at his confidence. "Alright. Now, let's get going before it gets too dark out."

MC and Lucio left the library and got changed into more appropriate attire.

They made their way down to the stables and readied their horses.

Lucio's horse was a white horse that stood tall and proud, not unlike its rider.

MC's horse was a rich brown, its coat silky smooth and soft.

The two mounted their steeds and rode off into the woods, Lucio taking the lead.

They talked idly as they rode, Lucio taking the opportunity to try and impress MC with stories of his great feats. They joked around and enjoyed riding through the forest, appreciating the sun that filtered gently through the leaves of the trees.

Before they knew it, they were deep in the heart of the forest, where the trees were dense and the paths were much less worn.

They found a nice clearing, where the sun cast an array of shadows on the ground as it passed the leaves. 

The couple stopped and dismounted before hitching the horses to the trees.

They sat on a fallen log on the ground for a rest as they ate snacks and continued their discussions.

"And that's when - What was that? " MC cut themselves off at the rustling of leaves in the shrubbery.

"Oh, it's nothing but little wildlife, I'm sure," Lucio assured his partner.

MC nodded and continued talking until the horses began to whiney and stir, clearly unsettled.

Despite the weather being warm, the clearing was suddenly cold and dark, as if clouds had obstructed the sun and brought winter early. A cool, unforgiving breeze sent a chill down MC's spine, leaving the hairs on the back of their neck raised.

The rustling got louder as if whatever was in the plants was getting closer.

Soon, the dense foliage to the right was rustling from top to bottom, much too violently for any small creature to stir up.

The Arcana One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora