Family Reunion

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Wara and Diana walked to the Kingdom of Death. It was cold. It was snowing.
    "We have to be quick and quiet so we don't-" Before Diana could finish her sentence all the lights turned on. "Oh no..." She whispered. A small child came out from the corner. She looked a lot like Diana. She had pale skin, black eyes with glowing pupils, but she had blonde hair in two little buns and bangs. Diana nervously laughed. The young girl ran towards Diana and Wara.
    "Di Di!" She yelled while running. She came to a stop and hugged Diana's legs. Soon after, a boy, looking to be about 12 or 13, came out from the other corner, smirking.
    "Love is in the air in the Kingdom of Death!" The boy said in a romantic tone. He also looked a lot like Diana. He had the pale skin, eyes, and dark hair. He was slim and had short messy hair. He ran up to the two and twirled. "Who's the lucky girl?" He snickered and elbowed Diana.
    "She's just my friend!" She said, her face turning a bright pink.
    "I have a book that would say otherwise!" He pulled out a book and turned to a random page. "Today I hung out with my best friend Wara. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She has short curly blue hair and pale blue eyes. She has dark skin and big circle glasses. She has the most beautiful voice and she's so strong. I never wanted that moment to end." He said in a lovey dovey tone. Diana turned red and snatched the book away from him.
    "Where did you find this!?" She yelled. He laughed.
    "I didn't find it. Delilah did. And you can't yell at her." He smirked. The little girl at Diana's feet looked at the boy.
    "You said you wouldn't tell on me! And you are the one who told me to go into there! I know I'm not supposed to go into Di Di's room!" She yelled. Diana put her hand on her face.
    "Do you see why I don't talk about my family now?" Diana said, clearly embarrassed.
    "This is why you don't talk about your family!? I thought it was because you had some deep dark past or something!" She looked amazed at the fact that Diana just had a normal family.
    "Well I guess since you've met my brother and sister you have to meet everyone else. Come on everyone, I know you guys are hiding too." A large family came out of both corners. They all looked like Diana. Pale skin, black eyes with white glowing pupils and some had different colored hair. "You've already met my little brother Duke and my little sister, Delilah, but here is the rest of the family! First, we have Dad's side of the family!" She said, pointing to a group of people on one side of the hallway.  "We have Uncle Dylan, Aunt Daphne, Cousin Dakota, Granny Daisy, Grandpa David, and Great Great Grandma Danielle." She said, pointing at each person. "And we have mom's side of the family! We have Aunt Demeter, Aunt Dawn, Aunt Donna, Aunt Dorothy, and Aunt Deena! And that's just mom's sisters! We have Uncle Declan, Uncle Derek, Uncle Dominic, Uncle Dalton, and Uncle Dean! And we have Cousin Dana, Cousin, Dandy, and Cousin Daryl! And of course we can't forget mom and dad! A short and plump older man came through the crowd of his side of the family and then a tall and slim older woman with her hair in a tight bun walked through her side of the family. She had a stern look on her face while the man had a kind expression.
    ''Who is this girl?" The woman said. Her voice was cold and showed no emotion.
    "This is my friend Wara. Her kingdom was taken over by Erica, so I was hoping she could stay with us." She said.
    "I suppo-" Diana's mother said before getting interrupted by Diana's father.
    "Of course she can stay here! We don't have an extra room though, so she'll have to sleep in your room, but of course she can stay with us!" Diana smiled.
    "Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!" She said.
    "So what now? I can show you my room if you want." Diana said. Duke smirked.
    "Yeah sure. You're just gonna 'show her your room.' Is that slang for-" Before he could finish a sentence, Diana covered Duke's mouth.
    "Stop. Right. There. Number one, there's a six year old right there," She said, pointing to Delilah. "And number two, we are just friends! How many times do I have to tell you this?" She took Wara by the hand and led her to her bedroom. "It's pretty late. I have some pajamas you can wear for tonight. We can sneak in the castle and get your stuff tomorrow." Diana sat down on the bed and Wara sat next to her. They started into each other's eyes for a moment. Both of their hearts were beating faster and faster. They were inching closer and closer. They're faces were inches apart and their hearts were beating fast and hard until, Duke walked in.
    "Hey I need to borrow- Oh! I'm sorry am I ruining the moment? Continue on I'll leave." He snickered. Diana realized how close she was to Wara and scooted away, blushing.
    "No, no! You're not interrupting anything! What do you need?" She said. Duke got out Diana's journal again and turned to another page.
    "I just spent the night with my best friend Wara. She's so pretty. Her eyes are blue and pull me in like the sea. Her hair is like the waves of the ocean. Her lips are like a rose, red and beautiful. She makes-" Diana interrupted Duke.
    "I think that's enough of that now!" Diana snatched the book from Duke and put it under her bed. "Stop reading my journal! It's none of your business! And stop reading it out loud in front of everyone! Now get out because it's late and we're going to sleep soon!" She pushed Duke out and slammed the door.
    "You think I'm pretty?" Wara said, smiling. Diana blushed.
    "Uh yeah...I...I'm tired...we should...go to sleep now..." She went under the covers and Wara went under the covers with her.
    "We can have a sleep over like we did when we kids." Wara said, smiling. Diana smiled. They both soon fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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