MG looked amused and shocked with no words coming out of his mouth.

"I never thought I'd say this but, I'd rather have Ryan here than... This" Izel said after the shock wore off.

Then they heard footsteps heading towards them and saw Alaric, Jed and Kaleb walking towards them with Alaric asking,

"What's going on here??"

"Hey, daddy! I figured since we are disguising Hope's body as mine while she roots around in Josie's subconscious, that I could pretend to be her while she's gone" Lizzie replied.

Kaleb and Jed had their jaws dropped while Alaric was shocked to say the least.

"Wow, is she really this short??" Lizzie said next looking at everyone standing in front of her.

"Elizabeth-" Alaric started but Lizzie cut him off,

"You need me to oversee the funeral" Lizzie stated as a matter of fact.

Kaleb tried to tell Alaric that can't be taking a chance right now when Lizzie cut him off,

"Dad! The emotion has to be real. And who better to put together a touching memorial to me, than, me" Lizzie replied with a dreamy look in her eyes already thinking of everything.

Kaleb just awkwardly smiled and Jed was looking similarly.

"Sweetie, I think it's a great idea but I think people are gonna...... Figure it out" Alaric tried.

"Yeah. The pack's never gonna fall for this" Jed said then.

And as soon as he did, three wolves, two guys one girl, entered the room carrying chairs.

Lizzie, with a determined look, made way for herself and walked towards the wolves, "Hello! Fellow wolves!"

Everyone reluctantly hung back and watched her.

"So nice to see you again! Piper..... Trevor... Brock!" she continued tried to guess their names right.

"Yo. We're gonna build a human pyramid after the funeral. If you wanna join?" Brock asked.

"I would love to! And maybe after, we could run around outside and stare at the moon for a while" she replied.

"Nice! Yo! You rock, Hope!" Brock replied with a grin.

"Back at ya, Brock meister!" Lizzie replied with a wide smile.

Brock nodded with an amused grin and the three wolves left at that.

Lizzie turned around facing the people saying, "The defense rests" with a victorious smirk that screamed Lizzie.

Alaric sighed, "Fine. But no doves" and left.

Lizzie walked towards the remaining people, "You heard the man. We got work to do. Chop chop!" clapping her hands in the air.

Everyone heavily sighed but moved to help while Izel did the same after mumbling,

"Oh my god, kill me now"



After he had stabbed Landon, he had gotten his control back after Landon had bled out and was dead. So he had picked up his body and brought him down to the school's basement hoping he'd come back.

So right now, when after a whole night he hadn't, Rafael had found Alaric and led him to the basement informing him of what he did.

And when Alaric saw what he had done, he tried to calm him down saying that Landon will come back anytime now. Just like always. But when Rafael had showed him the Golden Arrow, his world came crumbling down.

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