Iralei Gray

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{From my second self-published novel}

Art reference made for me by Abigail Burnham

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Art reference made for me by Abigail Burnham.

Plushie reference made for my by Sarah (Etsy)

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Plushie reference made for my by Sarah (Etsy).

Name: Iralei Gray
Age: Infant at the end of the Veimurian Saga
Gender: F
Race/Species: Half Veimurian, Half Human
Because she is the first of her kind, much was learned about mixing Veimurian and Human DNA. Some surprising dominant traits. She has hair like her human father, 2 eyes like her human father, curved eyebrows like her human father (Veimurians have slanted, Vulcan-like eyebrows), horns and bioluminescent spots like her Veimurian mother. Her skin has a mutation in which it is mottled with lighter cyan blue than her mother and pure white. This mutation resembles vitiligo.
Home-world/home town: Rosea
Hair color: Feiry red-orange
Hair type: short and curly
Eye color: Hazel
Facial shape: round
Voice: Currently unknown. She is too young to speak.
Body type: Unknown how she will turn out; currently a healthy-weight infant.
Usual fashion/dress: Purple shirt-like dress.
Jewelry/accessories: None
Usual makeup: None
Disabilities: None, other than the skin mutation.
Good personality traits: As an infant, she is very social.
Bad personality traits: Easily irritable, even as an infant, much like her mother.
Mood often in: As an infant, she is typically bubbly but can have anger outbursts/tantrums.
Greatest joy: Obviously as shown, she's obsessed with Zok'ai, the family's Okapi.
Greatest fear: She cries most as an infant when she is without her mother for long.
Sense of humor: unknown
What single even would throw their life into turmoil: she lives a happy life as an infant, unknown if she'll face adversity as she ages.
Most at ease when: Charlo allows her to play with her sister.
Most ill at ease when: She's away from Charlo or Kit for long. Also hates thunderstorms.
Enraged when: Charlo puts Zok'ai in his stable at night. She cries for hours but obviously, an infant can't sleep with a 6-foot+ talk Okapi (lol).
Their anchor: Family. And again, her relationship with Zok'ai.

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