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Nabeelah's POV
I was standing right in front of the percolator after aunt amnah called me minutes ago to tell me Aaban sir needed his coffee, puffff! I let out a sigh,not knowing his particular taste of coffee, not like I do know how to brew a perfect coffee which was why I'm less of a barista, maybe a garcon.
I carefully made him the one I think I knew best which is cappuccino, cappuccino is a latte made with more foam that steamed milk often with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon on top, with a free pouring pattern latte art of a furious crazy cat, I love cats, that was why i did made the latte art of a furious crazy cat,but then I can't stop laughing at my artistic skill of drawing,this cat is definitely gonna give one a nightmare after seeing it, let alone for one to bumped into it at night,I laughed out my ass as I imagine the expression on Aaban sir's face after he'd come across my crazy latte art,I picked it up and took it to him
Knock knock!
Yes come in
I went in
The figure of him I saw from behind is enough to say how handsome he is, he was standing with his back to me, but I'm sure he's really hot and handsome, with 4 others seated by the table each five of them having a Mac book in front of them,putting on the expensive collection of suit, maybe William westmancott ultimate bespoke or Desmond merrion ultimate bespoke which cost around $47,500 - $75,000, pufff! I people always want expensive things unlike me, that always want something so simple and average in price
"Good evening"I greeted them with my head low and walk closer to Aaban sir
"Excuse me sir"I said
"Here is the coffee you asked for"
Turning around...
Now that I'm having a clearer and vivid view of him without any grudges,he looks so familiar, I became scared, yeah, that same creature I've slapped and lectured on treating human beings nice,but no! That isn't what I'm seeing right now, those beautiful blue orbs from seven years ago still look thesame,the face looks so familiar but I'm not as that bad as to judge others, who knows there are many handsome guys with blue orbs around the world so I can't just go about thinking everyone is that same person from my life seven years ago, how stupid of you! My subconscious said to me.
"You!"he exclaim more of a question than a statement to me
"Wow, really unbelievable"he said again
"Well this is a personal matter so I'd rather not discuss it here"he said
"I... I.... I'm so..rr...y".. I stuttered
"Let me have it"he said pointing to the coffee on my hand, I move closer to him and gave him
"I can see someone's artistic skill is so low that she can't even draw out a perfect cat"he said after taking a look, my head was still low, I've lost words to say, seems like cat got my tongue
"seriously?, cappuccino? For me? "He said and I couldn't clearly get what he mean't
"Since when have you start taking cappuccino? "One of his business partner ask
Now I got it,sir Aaban doesn't like cappuccino, oh I'm dead!
"Go get them a machhiato, cortado, cappuccino,and mocha while you get me an espresso, I don't take cappuccino"he ordered me
I mistakenly pour on him the cappuccino while I'm about to take, ya Allah! Save me!I just ruined his Alexander amosu vanquish ll bespoke which cost around $101,860,made from the two most expensive wools, rare vicuna and quivik, with 9 buttons of 18 carat gold and diamond, my dead end is today!
"I'm sorry sir"I said
I was met with a different expression that I expected
"Its ok, I understand you're only being naive and all that, just go get me the coffee I ask you to"he said with a smile tilting his lips
And don't force yourself with the latte art of free pouring pattern, maybe you should try the etching,your art skill is so bad, he said to me before I finally exit the room
Moments later I was back with five cups of coffee, a machhiato, a cappuccino, cortado, mocha and an espresso, carefully placing them on the table so as to avoid spilling it over another person, he's change, he's only wearing his Sufi pant with a plain white tee, he's probably taken off the ones I've ruined
"I'm sorry again"I said while placing him his cup of espresso and went away.
i went back and met aunt amnah writing down somethings so I ask her if she could teach me how to make a perfect coffee with amazing latte art which she gladly accept to, aunt amnah have had more than 30 years of making coffee experience, so she knows how to make the perfect coffee for everyone, even sir Aaban always complimented her coffee.

Pufff! I know this chapter is so short but am gonna makeup in the next chapter in shaa Allah!

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