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Nadia's wedding, nayns friend is in three days, naynah has been pestering me this few days to go shopping altogether with nadia saying their are stufss they needed to buy, I can't help but really need to go or else nayns wouldn't stop pestering my life
"Hurry up girls if you wouldn't want us to be late, but if you do, you can take up as much time as you want cause I don't give a damn"I said to them
Naynah and nadia have been making up for only Allah knows how long, teens, I rolled my eyes, they are so obsessed with makeup and worried sick about what the opposite gender thinks of them, ya Allah, forgive us all for we are all sinners and make this dunya a better place for us to live in, make us overlook all the materialistic things in it and concentrate on being true believer, make us overcome our selfish desires and concentrate on being righteous servant of us ya rabb....I prayed within me
30mins later
"I think I have to give up on going shopping with you girls today"I said to them
"Sorry Anni, we're almost done"nayna said
"Am gonna make you my best bridesmaid if you spare us few more minutes to compliment our touch"nadia said teasingly and winking at me
"Am not in for that please,I find that abrasive,a group of young beautiful ladies foot loosing and displaying their beauty meant to be shown to their husbands and flirting with some stupid bunch of men who doesn't have an ounce of scintilla in them and lack morals and brains to think of the indecency their younger sisters are doing rather find it amusing, pleasurable and outgoing,subhanallah! The dunya is full of disgust"
"Please sissy not again, my ears hurt from the lecture i'm received last time on halal and haram"nayna said blocking her ears
"I can never imagine you two are from same consanguinty"nadia said teasing us
"What ever, we should be going now"

"Anni let's pick this too"naynah said checking out a black abaya with golden embroider
Practically,naynah has been picking out every beautiful dress we see, sayin g "Anni this will fit you" or "ani this is your type" literally forgetting we're paying for everything, and not to forget the bunch of make ups she has already picked, nadia on the hand is also picking although not as much as nayns, nayns picks the dresses for us three cause she's the only one me ng us who has great taste in dressing and has a good dress sense so she typically picks out every outfit she knew would fit any of us
"Oh my Allah, Yaya Aaban? "I heard nadia said surprisingly
"You know him?"ask nayns
"Yeah"she replied
"He's so Masha Allah, the typical man of my dreams, I can't stop staring"nayns said in a blush
ya Allah, this girl is so obsessed with handsome guys,I thought to myself as I picked some hijabs and put on the cart not caring to take a glance at the guy the girsl were talking of
"But wait, he seems to be picking girlish stuffs,but he can't be married right?"asked nayns
"Nhup he's not,Abba said he still hasn't seen the right girl to settle with"
"Check out, he's coming towards us"said Nadia
On hearing that I suddenly turned to leave the place cause standing right close to guys makes the atmosphere awkward and tenses to me, but then I bump into someone
"Sor... I stopped midway after seeing the face of whom I've bumped into
"Oh my Allah not again"I thought to myself
"How many times do I have to bump into this same soul in the span of a day?"I asked my self
"So I suppose bumping into me has become your hobby right? "He said bringing me out of my thought
"No sir, I'm sorry, I never knew it was m"" both circumstances we bumped into each other sir,I wasn't careful and you weren't cautious yourself"I said without knowing where I got the nerves to say those words to him
"Ohh wow, seems someone has finally grow some nerves"he said surprisingly
"No sir, I'm sorry, I admit it is my mistake, will be careful next time"
"salamu alaykum Yaya Aaban"I heard nadia said from behind with a smile to ease the tension in the atmosphere
"Wa alaykumussalam, how you doing nadia?"
"I'm fine"
"How's is abbah? "
"He's at home"
"Okkk, I can see you're already glowing like a bride"he said to her teasingly
"Haba dai Yaya"
"So, you came shopping also??"
"Yeah,with my friend, she said pointing to naynah, and her elder sister, she said pointing to me"
"Ohh, I see"
"Ina uni Yaya"I suddenly heard nayns said
"Lafiya qalau ya kike?"he ask with a smile
"I'm fine"
"Seems you're her best bridesmaid right? " he asked nayns cheerfully
"Ehh Yaya"
Stupid! She was blushing foolishly
Where are your morales nayns, I ask myself
I just wish you knew who my aabaan sir really is, you wouldn't be so flirty
"are you girls done shopping?"he ask
"Yes"I heard naynah answered him
"Ok then let's go"he said to them,or us rather
I was left with no option than follow from behind with reasonable gap between us to avoid bumping into him again
I saw him gave his credit card and paid for his and our things as well happily chatting with nayns and nadia, saying only Allah knows what.
"You can also speak if you want to"he said to me as he walk pass me
What did he think of himself?
He thinks I need his permission to speak or what?
He's just pissed me off,I feel like strangling him right now
"Let's go Anni, Yaya has offered to drop us home"nadia said to me
"He's not my yaya miss, and thanks"I said back to her firmly
"Its really good to address an elder one with a respective...
"Cut the crap nayns! Who's the elder? You really don't refer to him right? "I ask her pointing at him
"I'm sorry Anni, but just a reminder"
"What ever"
"We can't keep him waiting, let's go"said nadia
Left with no option we went down to the car and get in, a friend has been waiting for him in the car as well and we drove off.

"We're stopping right there"I said after a few minutes of drive
Both naynah and nadia turn to look at me in surprise
"What? "I asked them
"But Anni we're barely few miles away from home"naynah said
"And then"?
"Nothing "
"Are you sure I should just drop you girl here"?
"Yes sir, thanks"I said and exited the car and letting out the breath I have no idea I was holding

TAQDEER(meant to be) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora