Somewhere Only We Know || 3

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We walked through the doors of the Laser Tag place, and we were immediatly greeted with old friends, and all of our families. We spent a good thirty minutes greeting everyone, and talking. I stepped away from the group and glanced around. Caleb was playing a heated game of ice hockey with his uncle, Eli was sitting with Gabby, kissing and everything, and Bekah and Ashton were talking and goofing off. I felt my stomach churn at the sight of them.

"Luuuke!" I heard someone scream. I turned around to see Mckenna running towards me. I opened my arms and she gave me a big hug. Mckenna had a crush on me when we were in high school, but she got over it after a while, and now Micheal has a crush on her.

"Hi, Mckenna!" I said, pulling away. "Long time no see. How are you?" I asked, striking a conversation up with her.

"I've been good! Did you know I flew all the way to America to see you guys in concert? I took Bekah with me, because we missed you guys so much." Mckenna was off, babbling about this and that, and I was only half listening. My heart was racing for this game to start tonight.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Bekah askeed, stepping in, and glancing between the two of us.

"Nothing," I answered with a shrug. "Mckenna was just telling me about how you two came down to see us in concert, and how much you guys enjoyed it."

"Oh, yeah we did." Bekah said, shrugging. "Anyway, you were called up to the main desk. You guys get to pick your names first for the game." Bekah gave me a little shove, and I walked over to the desk.

"Finally!" Calum yelled when I walked over to them. I laughed and shoved him a bit.

"Okay, so, what do you guys want to pick as your names?" The guy at the desk ask. I looked up at him. He was very chubby, and had a huge beard. Like, the kinda beard you would see on Santa Clause, except this one his brown.

Calum, Micheal, and Ashton all huddled together and began whispering, and then looked at me.

"I am going to be 'ThatGuy'," I said. I have it perfectly planned out. So, when I shoot someone in the game, it'll appear as if, 'ThatGuy' shot you. It'll be funny.

"I'm going to be 'SuperAwesomeNinja'," Micheal said happily.

The guy typed it into the computer and replied back, "Sorry, it's too long. Can we shorten it to 'SuperNinja'?" The guy asked.

Micheal let out an over dramatic sigh. "I guess," I laughed at how ridiculous he was being.

Ashton walked up and said, "I'll be 'TheDrummer'," And he stepped down.

"Booooring!" Micheal yelled at Ashton, and Ashton just shrugged.

"I'm going to be 'SneakyAsian'," Calum said, and we all erupted in laughter.

We all stepped aside, and listened to the other people giving their name. It was Bekah's turn, and I moved a bit closer.

"Can I be 'bekahbishh'?" She asked. The man nodded and she stepped down and grinned at me.

"Bekahbishh, huh? That'll be a name appearing on my screen many times." I teased.

"Yeah, it will keep saying, 'Bekahbishh just shot you'!" Bekah teased back.

"You got it wrong. You're gun will be reading 'ThatGuy just shot you'!" I said, and I ruffled her hair. Ashton came over and joined our little group.

"So, what's your name Bekah?" Ashton asked, smiling at her.

"That will be a secret to you, sir!" Bekah grinned, sticking her tounge out at him.

"Hey Luke, guess who's going to whip your butt!" Eli yelled, dragging Gabby with him by the hand. Gosh, this girl really hates us. The way she's staring down at the ground, trying her best to ignore us. It's sorta funny.

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