Somewhere Only We Know || 10

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"Are you ready for your little date tonight, Luke?" Micheal asked, smirking at me.

I smiled at him. "If that's what you want to call this."

Micheal rolled his eyes. "That's exactly what this is. You're taking a hot girl bowling. Just the two of you, sharing greasy fries, bowling gutter balls, and flirting. It's a date."

"Really? Is that what you think is going to happen tonight?" I smirked at Micheal.

"Five bucks that after tonight, you're not gonna be a single pringle anymore." Micheal responded.

I thought about what he said. Maybe tonight would be a good time to ask Emma out. I mean, we've been text flirting for a while now. "I'm afraid I can't take you on that bet, dear sir." I said.

"I knew it!" Micheal yelled. "You sly dog! You're gonna ask her out!"

I smirked, fixing my blue sweatshirt. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't." I punched him lightly on the arm. "I'll be leaving now, destiny awaits."

I started jogging towards the stairs as Micheal called after me, "Don't you mean Emma?"


"You ready to bowl?" I asked Emma, once her seat belt was buckled, and we were down the road, heading to the bowling alley.

Emma smiled at me. "I must warn you, I'm terrible at bowling."

I laughed. "Don't worry, so am I."

"No, I mean, I get gutter balls with no problem." Emma said.

"That's why I use bumpers." I responded back in a flirtatious voice. Boy, what a flirt I am!

Emma smirked at me. "I think I might steal your idea." She was flirting back.

"Be my guest," I flirted back. We both shared a small smile, and I pulled up to the bowling alley. I got out of the car and went around the side and opened the door for Emma. She stepped out and gave me a shy smile. We headed inside and I pulled out my wallet.

"What'll it be?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"Two shoes and one game." I said, giving the guy the money.

Emma looked at me, her mouth open. "I can pay." She grabbed her wallet and opened it, ruffling through to get the money. "I brought money, Luke!"

I grabbed her hands gently and pulled them away from her wallet. "Calm down, Emma. The deed is already done. You're payed for."

Emma looked at my face and then smiled. "Thanks Luke,"

"Well, that's what a guy does on a date, right? Pays for the lady." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. My jaw dropped and Emma's eyes got big. Great, I just screwed this all up!

"A date did you say?" Emma asked as we got our shoes and towards our alley.

"It doesn't have to be a date! I mean, if you don't want it to be a date, it's not one. It could just be us, two friends, hanging at a bowling alley. I don't want things to be awkward or anything cause I didn't mean it like that at all. We could be friends. This could not be a date." I babbled, feeling like an idiot.

Emma cut me off by grabbing my hand and stopping us from walking. "Luke, it's okay." She said, a gentle smile on her face. "I wouldn't mind at all if this was a date."

I laced our fingers together and smiled back at her. "Good," We headed towards an alley. I changed shoes and grabbed a ball. After putting our names into the machine, I sat back in the chair.

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